Don't run away

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„I know you have no reason to trust us. But you have to stay at least until the Codex-Keepers arrive and we know what to do with you." „The C-codex-K-Keepers?", I asked frightened. „Yes I have already contacted them a representative will be here in a day or two, you have gone through so much and your pack has done horrible things to you... They violated you and with that also the Codex. I will make sure they receive a righteous punishment!", I didnt realize I was crying until, the alpha has pulled me in a embrace. Wierdly enough, the embrace felt warm and gave me a feeling of security. „We won't let anyone hurt you again!"


A day later...

POV. Kai

„Kyungsoo. Where are you?", I shouted while rushing trough the forrest. „Come back here, or I will be really angry with you!" 

Just ten minutes ago, we were sitting on the couch together with Sehun and Tao and after he excused himself to go to the toilet he didn't come back. „I can't believe he run away", I heard Sehun say through our Pack-Link. "Don't be so foolish you two. He doesn't know us and he is afraid, what will happen to him, as soon as the Codex-Keepers are here", Tao said. He other than the two of us, wasn't always part of the EXO pack and he also lived trough some trauma before joining our pack, so he probably could relate to Kyungsoo the most, but still I couldn't stop being angry. I was angry at myself, I couldn't forgive myself if something, were to happen to him. We followed a familiar sweet scent, which got stronger and stronger with every second. 

I was relieved, when I finally saw the omega, he was in his human form looking a little bit irritated. When turning back into my human form I smirk and say:"Already got lost! Haven't you?" Kyungsoo jumped a bit then he turns around slowly. „Kai Hyung I-I-" "Come on let's go back", I interrupt his attempt of finding an excuse. „No I-I can't. Hyungs please, just tell the rest I ran away and you couldn't find me. I can't talk to the Codex-Keepers!", he now begs, not only me but also Sehun and Tao. „Sorry can't do this.", Tao replies with a face, which made it impossible to read any kind of emotions, it was just blank. „It's for the greater good, if you tell them what you have told us, your ex Pack-Leader will lose his authority and he can never do something, like this again to anybody.", Sehun stated, while grabbing Kyungsoo by his wrist and starting to drag the smaller with him. 

„You don't understand. If he finds out, that because of me he is suffering consequences, he will take his revenge!" „So what? You don't have to worry, we will protect you! But we can't do so, if you run away.", I rejoined the conversation, throwing a side eye at Kyunsoo, while mentioning the running away part. „It's not about me! He will hurt everyone, who helped me. In this case it would be you!", we stopped our movements and looked at the omega, who still gives his best efforts to struggle free from Sehuns grip. „You helped me already enough. I can't have you get hurt because of me. Please just let me go...", his voice got shakier the closer he gets towards the end of the sentence. In the end his voice was so quiet that I was sure, if it wasn't for our wolf hearing we wouldn't be able to hear it at all. 

„Hey, listen to me...", I got in front of Kyungsoo, so that I was able to look directly into his brown eyes, then I continued, „It is our decision to help you or not. And whatever you like it or not we decided to help you.", I smiled at his face. In disbelief he was looking at me while I patted his head. „I just told you why I don't want your help and that I don't want you to get hurt! And you just ignore it! Are you deaf? One more time so that you will understand it clearly... I will not come back with you!", you could hear that he was getting frustrated and I couldn't help but to smile at his cute little tantrum, looking at the others I could see, that they were as amused as me. 

„So you are not coming back with us?", I asked with an amused chuckle. „No! I am not. How often do I have to say you this? And what are you laughing about? I am serious!", he looked at us as, if he was going to kill us every second now, probably starting with me. A devilish smirk appeared on my lips „It's nothing, you are just so cute.", his head turns dark red and before he could reply anything, I threw him over my shoulder and stood up. „Let's go guys!", in my voice you could hear my amusement. „Let me down! Now! Or you will regret it!", Kyungsoo says while hitting my back. „Why are you always the one carrying him? I want to carry him as well", Sehun pouted. „You gotta be faster!", I just replied and we began our way home. „Don't ignore me! I said  let me down!", Kyungsoo sounded frustrated, while still giving his very best to struggle free. „It depends will you listen to your Hyungs?", the last word was highlighted by Sehun, he really enjoys being a Hyung. „Yeah, yeah I will just let me walk by myself!", Kyungsoo whines. „As soon as you try to run again, we will not be this nice.", I said while putting him back down. „Thank you...", the omega mumbles and we continue our way home. 

At the Pack-House... 

POV. Sehun

I was sitting on the couch, while backhugging Kyungsoo. He is so small and cute, it fells as if I was hugging a teddybear. „Sehunnie can you please let  go of me? You are heavy!", Kyungsoo says and with that, he draws the attention of Kai and Tao to us. „No, you should have thought about it before you tried to run away! You gave us a heart attack! I won't allow you to leave us again! You can be greatful that the rest is helping in the city and weren't here for your escape, otherwise you would have a tracker by now... ", I said jokingly and with that I only tightened my hug. „I am sorry... But I told you the reason of why I did it... I don't want anything bad happening to you, because of me...", he slowly lowers his gaze. It's not fair, how can somebody be this cute? „As I said already earlier, it is our decision, to help or not and we decided to help, so stop being so concerned for us. We can take care of ourselves.", Kai says while patting Kyungsoos head to comfort him. „Kai hyung is right! Stop worrying and smile. Don't worry we aren't mad at you anymore for running away, just don't do that again.", I said while pinching his right cheek, then I continued, „You can try to run away but..", I took a deep breath inhaling his scent, „ wouldn't come far. I now have your scent! I can find you no matter where you are easily!"

I couldn't help myself, I was smiling like an idiot at the smaller one in my embrace, his ears had turned red out of embarrassment. But this talk had helped Kyungsoo relax more. I could feel the tension in his body getting lesser with every second that passed. And soon we continued watching TV.


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