Chapter 15 - Busted

Start from the beginning

I sighed in response. "Are you sure?"

"I found his fingerprints on the photo." He pointed to the picture he took of the photo frame I gave him.

He let out a breath before continuing. "And I think your father is up to something."

My eyes widened as my brows rose. "What do you mean?"

"Eloise, he's been in town for a while now and I heard about your fallout at Drew's house. If he knew you didn't want anything to do with him why would he stick around? Something doesn't feel right." He frowned as he took in all the pictures again.

"I agree it does seem strange."

"Well to be safe I decided to stake out his house tonight just in case." He crossed his arms over his muscular chest. He had to have a military background with all those muscles and his good posture.

"Where does he live?"

His eyes narrowed. "I'm not telling you. I wouldn't want you to do anything rash and more importantly, Drew would kill me if you got hurt."

I sighed. "Fine."

"Can you at least let me know if you find anything?"

He nodded. "I'll keep you updated."

My phone buzzed and that's when I noticed that I got a text from Drew saying he'll be working late. It was already dark out so he probably had a lot of work.

An idea came to mind. "I better head home now. It's getting late." I grabbed my things and left Easton's house. Easton waved goodbye from the porch as I started my car.

I drove a few streets over and waited in the shadows. A few minutes later I heard the grumble of a car engine and Easton's car drove past me. He didn't see me. I let out a breath of relief. I waited a moment before starting my car and I tailed Easton. I wasn't sure if it was such a good idea tailing a cop but oh well. I needed to know if my father was up to something that involved me. I couldn't let him ruin my happiness just after I found it.

We drove out further away from his house and soon we were on the road that led to the outskirts of town. I took in the familiar scenery of the large oak trees on both sides of the road as my headlights shone faintly on the road. Easton was quite a bit ahead of me. I could only see the speckle of light of his car in the distance. It was better this way because then he wouldn't get too suspicious if he noticed a car in his rearview mirror.

We drove on for a few minutes before Easton pulled his car over at the side of the road. He had pulled his car over next to a sign that indicated the grounds were private property. Easton climbed out of his car and made his way into the woods surrounding the property.

I slowed my car down behind his once I saw him disappear into the woods. I climbed out of my car and silently locked it. I eyed the dark woods and sighed. Maybe this wasn't as good an idea as I thought, but I was already here so I might as well find out what my father was up to.

I took a deep breath and entered the woods. Here we go I guess.

I followed the direction I had seen Easton walking in and after a few moments, a small cabin came into view. The lights of the cabin were the only source of light in the woods. The light shone brightly. Someone was definitely home.

I dogged any twigs and small sticks on my way to the cabin. I tried to move as silently as a mouse. As I reached the house I took a small peek inside through one of the windows. Luckily for me, they hadn't closed the curtains yet. There were two other people in the cabin as well. Probably the other robbers. I tried to make out what they were saying, but I only heard bits and pieces of the conversation.

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