Chapter 1 - To new beginnings

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Rays of sunlight slipped through the large oak trees as I drove further on the long road

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Rays of sunlight slipped through the large oak trees as I drove further on the long road. 8 Miles. 8 Miles to drive till I arrive at my new home in a completely new town. The town my mom grew up in, a small town in Montana.

Thinking about my mom still brings tears to my eyes. She passed away three months ago and I still can't believe she's gone. She may have been my mother but she was also my best friend. My life has felt so hollow without her which is exactly why I decided to move to Evermount Springs, the town my mom grew up in, to try to feel closer to her and strengthen my connection with her even though she's gone.

She never liked living in the city. She just moved there to be closer to me. It's something that makes me feel guilty. As if I've been holding her back. She always missed this small town and its people. I hoped that this small town would feel like home to me soon enough.

The sun was on the brink of setting when I heard a strange noise coming from the back of my red coupe. I slowed down and pulled my car over to the side of the road. I quickly climbed out of my car to see what was going on. My eyes immediately landed on the problem. Not one, but two flat tires.

I huffed in annoyance. This couldn't be happening! I wasn't in town yet and my car has already broken down! And to make matters worse I don't know anyone in town or if there are any repair shops nearby. I pulled out my phone from my back pocket and sure enough NO SIGNAL. You've got to be kidding me! Was I really going to spend my first night in Evermount Springs in my car?

I was about to climb back into my car and that's when I heard it. A car engine! The lights of the car suddenly came into my eyesight as it drove over the small hill towards me. I hoped that it was my knight in shining armor driving that car and not a serial killer. Or maybe I just watch too many movies.

The truck slowed down next to me and the driver rolled down his window, that's when I came face to face with one of the most handsome men I've ever seen. I immediately noticed how his wavy brown hair complemented his choclate brown eyes and tanned skin. I was brought out of my stupor when he finally spoke.

"You have car trouble?" He asked as a look of confusion and curiosity covered his face. They probably didn't get many strangers around here.

I somehow found the words to answer him. "Yes. I got two flat tires, unfortunately." I then tucked a piece of hair behind my ear, a nervous tick of mine.

He sighed and abruptly stepped out of his truck. I cleared out of his way as he brushed past me to check on my tires. My heart gave a small leap as he brushed past me. What was wrong with me? This guy was making my hormones go crazy! He bent down to take a closer look at my tires. I made sure my eyes looked anywhere but his behind. His brown eyes flicked over my tires as he surveyed the damage.

"Won't be able to fix these till next morning since you only have one spare. I'll call some repair guys to pick up your car in the morning." He grunted.

"What if it gets stolen?" I asked him nervously as I chewed on my lip. I couldn't deal with my car getting stolen too.

"Trust me, darlin', it won't. Evermount Springs is the safest town there can be." He assured me as he stood up. My heart gave a little flutter. I couldn't believe that he called me darlin' and what surprised me even more was that I found it hot. His eyes suddenly narrowed at me as if he was thinking something through. Something he probably did not want to do. He made a low grumbled sound. "As for tonight, you can stay at my mother's inn. I'll drive you there."

"Thank you. That would be great." I said as he walked closer and towered over me. The air around him made him super intimidated. Usually, I'm not comfortable with strangers but for some reason this guy made me feel safe. Almost as if he can shield me from the world with his lean arms.

I quickly grabbed most of my things from my car and loaded them into the back of his forest green truck. As soon as I climbed into his truck I realised that I never got his name.

"I never got you're name." I said as I looked over to him in the seat next to mine. He looked at me and swore I saw a mischievous glint in his eyes. This guy had a certain effect on women and he knew it.

"Drew. Drew Owen." He grunted as he started the car.

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