11 - Divorces & Facetime

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To Ashole: stop being cute and facetime me


"So what happened to that - what's his name - Adam, Ashely or something?" My aunt, Brenda, asked. I could only imagine that she was talking to me. Everyone else on the table was married and I mean, Ashton. Ashely? Close enough.

I loaded more peas onto my plate and circled the thick gravy around, making sure that I coated every single item on the white china plate. I hope the gym was ready for me.

"Oh him? We broke up quite a long time ago actually. We're friends though." I coughed, attempting to sound careless. I wish that I truly didn't care but I did care. I cared a lot.

Why couldn't I have been one of the people that didn't cling onto people like a magnet?

"Rosa please. No exes are ever 'friends' you're either made for each other or you're not. It's that simple" She explained.

I beg to differ.

I felt so mature sitting at the table where all the adults are and the only table where alcohol was served. While the other peasants aka annoying cousins and siblings sat around the room. It makes me realise that I've matured as a person as well.

My lap suddenly vibrated, forming a fuzzy sensation on my thighs. I put the forkful of food in my mouth and then put my cutlery down so I could check what that was exactly.

From Ashole: you won't believe what I just found out!

To Ashole: what?

From Ashole: we were at the table at Christmas and harry said he just broke up with his girlfriend. He's 11 and he gets more girls than me! how is that possible?

I glanced around the table. Everyone was too occupied within their conversations to realise that I was on my phone. Everytime Ashton texted me I knew that it was an absurd time so I quickly opened the safari application and researched the time difference. Three am! What was he doing awake?

From Ashole: please don't stop talking to me. i can't sleep and i know that you'll reply to me.

To Ashole: i'll text you soon, lemme finish my turkey first. food before dudes.

I locked my phone before finishing the rest of my meal and gulping down a lot more wine.

After dinner we all separated again. I stayed in the guest room for a while so I could have a little facetime session with Ashton. He had a diluted husky tired Australian voice and it made me melt every time he opened his mouth. He made me blush when he called me pretty or beautiful which was like every five minutes. Times like these make me think if 'friends' were really the right way to go.

Eventually I made my way down again to be met by my family encouraging me to watch TV with them.

My aunts, grandma and I sat down around the TV watching the annual Christmas Eastenders episode. I may have moved to LA but eastenders was one of my favourite shows.

As we watched the series that was jam packed with drama and suspense I continuously texted Ashton. He was one of the funniest texters I've ever come across. The conversation itself wasn't the most important thing, the fact that he kept his promise and kept in contact was the most important thing.

The faint sound of my mum cleaning up behind me was beginning to irritate me slightly. So I got up from my seat and started to help out; I picked up the plates and took them to the sink where my mum was.

"Where's dad?" I simply asked, going back and forth with leftover food like potatoes or broccoli.

Mum did that annoying cough she does when she was about to spit some news. "We got divorced around May this year or so."

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