1 - Kinks & Pizza

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"I'm assuming this pretty face has a name?"


I'd be lying if I said I don't love my first boyfriend anymore. I'd also be lying if I said that if he walked through that door I wouldn't run up to him and smash my lips onto his. Do you know that feeling when you crave something and it won't stop crawling back into the front of your mind? I had that same god damn feeling every day.

I got intoxicated on this hunger for his taste. Every single item that passed my vision could trigger a memory of Ashton and I. What hurt the most was that while I was suffering with this ongoing heartbreak, he was out in Australia probably with smiles plastered on that face of his.

Some people may say that I'm crazy for still being hung up over a break up that happened a little over a year ago but they just haven't been in my position. The position where every time he touched you, goose bumps will fly out of your skin or when he kissed you, your heart shattered into a million pieces.

I needed to push him to the back of my mind, as I always did.

"And you're sure you don't like Harrison anymore?" I asked my good friend Iva as I dug into the bowl of popcorn and shoved a bunch of the salted popped kernels into my mouth.

Iva flicked through the choice of movies, exposing all types of genres on the TV screen.

She stopped film surfing and rotated her head to face me. "I'm sure, Ros. It wasn't going to work out anyways, the guy didn't who Alex Turner was."

I could only chuckle when it came down to Iva and boys. There's no denying it, she had no problem with the boy area. Every party we went to you I could assure you, she wouldn't leave that party without making out with at least one person. The party scene was her nature.

"Good. I hate seeing my bestie hung up over a no good boy, he cheated on you." I said.

Iva didn't seem one bit affected by the breakup of a relationship that lasted for about three months but then again maybe I over reacted with my breakup. I mean i did spend weeks surviving on ice cream, tears and re runs of friends.

"You can't even lie Rosa, he had the best jawline." Iva deadpanned, finally picking on a rom com for us to indulge on.

Iva was my best friend since I moved to LA. She instantly made fun of my British accent and we became incredibly close. Her long golden hair dangled off her back and her green eyes will put you into a hypnotizing gaze. I envied her confidence, body and personality. She was one of those people that you instantly made friends with.

I wiped off the tears that were dripping down my cheeks. I couldn't stop from bursting into a fit of giggles every time I thought about a scene from the film. I looked over to Iva who as like I, was in fits of giggles. I've longed to dream that laughing gave you abs because if that fantasy was reality I would look like Vin Diesel.

"Ok, well I'm hungry and someone didn't grocery shop this week. Want to go grab some pizza?" Iva asked, sending daggers to my eyes for not completing the weekly shop.

I nodded quickly before slipping on some black flip flops and grabbing some money from my purse. The LA sun was soon going to descend leaving an orange pinkish sky floating above me. The clouds moved swiftly attempting to say their final goodbyes before the moon veiled the beautiful current sky to leave a midnight blue aroma.

We reached to pizza place, exhausted from walking. The greasy haired Italian took our orders before hopping back to his kitchen. As I forgot my phone with me I was limited with my passing time options. I finalised on watching Iva scroll through her phone occasionally showing me a picture for me to laugh to.

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