7 - Flights & Pet Names

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"Don't cry babygirl."


Rosa POV:

"I keep forgetting to ask you how's your family?" Ashton asked digging his feet into the hot beige sand while his green health infused smoothie was in his hands. He set it aside beside him put so he could fix his hair that was messily in a hair band.

Ashton and I have taken a big step from that first night at the gig. The silences weren't awkward anymore but it wasn't the in love type even though it's clear that we were still in love and always will be. He will always be my first love no matter how much I tried to friend zone him when you both have the knowledge that you're capable of so much more. I always get those sudden urges to kiss him or even hold his hand but then he'll say something cocky and it'll ruin the moment. Finally his cockiness came into use when it wasn't needed.

"I wouldn't know, I haven't heard from them. Not like I want to." I replied, I felt his eyes burn the side of my head but my eyes were too occupied looking at the slight grey waves that were being pushed back and forth as the mild tide came in. I took another sip of my berry smoothie.

"So you aren't going back to London for Christmas?" Ashton asked again, by now we have had brief eye contact but I quickly went back to inspecting my legs before I caught feels.

Going back to London for Christmas never crossed my thoughts. The plan of making up with my mum have but to go for holidays have never. I couldn't imagine a Christmas without my mum's turkey or my grandma's mashed potatoes. The thought of it made me want to pack my bags and fly to London. You know what, just exactly what I'm going to do. It's just one of those things where it's not going to leave my mind until I fulfil it. And on another point I can't have Christmas by myself, how the fuck do I cook turkey?

"Ash, I want to but imagine my mum doesn't want me there. Maybe she hates me now." I admitted. Ashton shuffled closer to me so I could lean my head on one of his broad shoulder while his arm extended to the other side of my body. I felt a tear fall from my brown eyes landing on Ashton's jacket. I attempted to sniffle them back up so Ashton couldn't find out but they were too loud.

Ashton lifted my head up its distressed state and wiped the tears away with his massive thumb. His lips connected with my forehead for a brief second and for that brief second I suddenly craved his taste. "Don't cry baby girl, I bet your mum loves you even when you're half across the world. She'll be glad to see you again." Ashton nearly sung, his Australian voice was now soothing compared to the voice he carried before. His voice is quite indescribable actually it was just, Ashton's.

"Baby girl? That's not very fitting for a friend?" I managed to say through the tears. I was confused on the purpose of this new pet name. It was an adorable name and all but it'll make me crawl straight back to him. I'm not that easy, not anymore.

"Rosa, we're friends not complete strangers. Come on, I need to back to the house. I'm leaving in like forty minutes." Ashton explained already stood up, his hand was ready for mine so I could be pulled up. I flew up due to his strength and we walked back to the beach house while Ashton kept whispering encouraging things into my ears.

I longed to take these very uncomfortable sandals off my feet but I suffered through it so I could say goodbye to my friends. Ashton knocked on the double doors and quickly after Luke swung open the door to reveal the hallway that was full of black suitcases. Calum was munching on an apple while Michael's sunglasses were carefully placed on his face. Instantly I knew Michael was going through another hangover. I could see through the glass door and it was clear that they have left the living room an absolute mess.

"Are you actually expecting Jack to come back to that?" I almost scolded, pointing my finger to the living room where beer bottles, orange peels and pizza boxes now resided. I could only imagine the stench.

Sweet Nothings | Ashton IrwinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora