Chapter : 40 {War}

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Third person's POV :

"In an hour we will reach Marineford" Said the young marine to his captain

"Very well, make sure he doesn't try to do anything over smart" Replied the captain


"Sabo? Do you still like coffee more than tea?" Y/n asked
Maybe to pass time
Or maybe to be calm herself down for some moment

"Yes y/n I still perfer coffee more"

"Haha, did you knoww, when we were young I had to make tea and coffeee at the same time!! " Said y/n

"Why is that?" Asked koala

"Ace and luffy likes tea, Sabo liked coffee, if I only made tea then Sabo used to pout for the rest of the day!!" Y/n laughed making fun of Sabo

"Heey, stop lying!! " Sabo replied embarrassed

"I am nottt~~ ah- do you remember you used to make rings with flower for me?" Said y/n again

"Hehe now that sounds like me!!"
Giggled Sabo, but this time it was in a flirty way

"Don't be so happy, to win the competition between you guys, Ace gave me a green diamond necklace!!"
Y/n replied

"Maan that sucks" Sabo fake cried

"Do you not even remember the treehouse?"

..... Y/n was feeling awkward now, thinking about the last interaction her and Sabo had.... How he cried bout    y/n choosing Ace and not him

It was weird for y/n... Sabo used to like her... Sabo forgot everything and got another chance to love someone else again, but again he falled for the same girl without his knowledge...
Destiny is cruel

"We will arrive at marineford in 1:30 hour or so" Said koala

Y/n hugged koala

"Thank you koala, you are not even a part of anything here, but you are helping us so much" Y/n said

"How can I not be a part of this? Both of my best friends are going to War!!!"
Koala pouted

"Hehe thank you koala"

*An hour later*

*At Marineford*

"The execution of Portgas D Ace, is about to begin!!!"  Shouted Sengoku with the mic in his hand

People from all over the world were watching it and were afraid of the War which Whitebeard may or may not want to have

"Do you think he won't come?"

Akainu asked Sengoku

Sengoku turned back

"He will, even the gods won't able to stop him from coming today" Sengoku replied to Akainu

"You seem to know him well" Akainu said but Sengoku didn't reply

Marines from alll over the world are present here today 1000000marines to be exact, they will outnumber the WhiteBeard pirates easily, however.. Can they win in terms of strength?



Suddenly huge ships start to come down from under the sea....


The bubble coats burst away, giving a clearer view of the people inside it

Destiny's hatred child{Ace x childhood friend! reader}one Piece Where stories live. Discover now