Chapter : 2 {Dadan's House}

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*heyy just keep in mind that for the sake of my story i am gonna change a bit of the original plot too!*


The mountains are peaceful and beautiful......the dark green everywhere and the birds noises.... Just so calmin-

"........ GARP IS COMING GARP IS COMING, HURRY HIDE HURRY HIDE, FIND ACE!!!! WHERE IS ACE?!!!! MY GOD HE IS GONNA KILL US IF HE KNOWS ACE DIDN'T CAME HOME FOR A WEEK AGAIN!" .......I heard screams like this in a distance, who might it be? ......I wonder

We stopped in front of a small wooden house, it looked old, maybe this is that 'ace's' house?
A lady with orange hair and fat tummy got out, she started to scream at grap san the moment luffy said yo to her, weird

Luffy : "Heyyy y/n lets go playyyy, look look there is a big tree, lets see who can climb it first! "

Y/n : "shuush luffy, looks like they are having some problems here..."

With that luffy got sad however understood my point and stood quitely, haha i didn't expect him be so corporative

The orange haired woman continued,

"Ace is almost 10 this year!! He already doesn't listen to any of us...... He-he didn't came home this week too!!! Sometimes he comes home after 2-3 weeks!! He does whatever he wishes! We can't keep another kid here! Especially a girl! Ther- there IS A GIRL TOO THIS TIME?! GARP U BASTARD ARE U TRYING TO MAKE US RAISE YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY? "

Garp san just replied saying," hey now she isn't my granddaughter but do treat her welll"

Dadan san followed by furiously saying "so who is she? Your grandson's bride?!"

"Uhm, hello i am y/n l/n nice to meet you dadan san, you are very pretty :3" Mom taught me to lie bout a person being pretty if they are ugly because then they melt easily... I doynt like dadan san, she is a bandit too..... I hate pirates and bandits.... She seems like a nice person but why did she had to be a bandit, i HATE them after makino san said maybe bandits or pirates did all that to my mom and dad

With that i melted dadan san and with a Tusdere expression she replied, "mhm ig she can stay here, BUT NOT THAT SMALL GUY!!!!"

With that luffy came to me screaming "Y/N SOMEONE SPLITE ON ME!!!GROSS GROSS GROSSS "

i can see there was split on his cheeks, grosss
"Who was it luffy?"

"I don't know he ran away"... The strawhat guy said while I helped him clean himself with a fallen leaf from the ground


however there wasn't any response, with that garp san left me And luffy with this noisey but kind woman....


Two days passed, i didn't met any "ace" Tho, maybe he isn't coming back anymore, luffy is pissed on that guy and is sure to beat him up the next time he shows up, haha

I yawned...of course i did, i have trouble sleeping while sharing my bed, especially with luffy who snores louder than my dad,i remember how i had my own bed and room back at my home......

With that luffy comes into the room

"Done playing? "I questioned luffy while studying some basic maths....even if i am not in a school anymore, i should keep studying now and then... Where do luffy or ace even study? Or do they not? I wonder where their parents are

"Hey luffy, where are your parents?"

"I don't know, oh yes parents, i have parents? "

"-_- how am i supposed to know u idiot" I punched luffy in his head

"I don't know if i have parents or not, gramps never said i had any"
..... Everyone is so weird here. Lets just change the topic

"Hey luffy lets go play! I am done studying! "

"You wanna play now???? Yay lets go i found a beetle i wanna show u!! "Said the boy while dancing around

Yes that's how my days passes by now, playing with luffy, sometime studying, taking a shower and eating then sleeping with luffy, he was a good company, always made me feel very cheerful...........he is younger than me by one year, so i always try to look out for him, he brings some light into my boring days...............................................

EXCEPT he snores so loud i can't fall asleep, reason sometimes i study or stare at the ceiling the whole night and sleep in the morning peacefully after luffy wakes up..... For that my body feels so tired now a days, but it's not even luffy's fault he snores, this house is so small that everyone sleeps in the dining room except dadan who has her own room, this is the only room available for now.... Maybe this was ace's room, i did saw some pants of a young boy in the floor when i entered and luffy is also new here with me, this makes Me feel glad and guilty at the same time that ace doesnt return home, glad because we have more space and less noise now, guilty because i am Wishing for a child to not return home....

*at night*

After eating and having a bath with luffy, i could feel my body giving up and begging me to let them sleep, well maybe i am gonna get a good night's rest todayy!!! I am excited

*at midnight*

Mhmmm comfortable....... It's so warm...... Luffy sure does likes to cuddle, let me hug him back....


Why is there two of them? I woke up from my sleep but didn't opened my eyes in fear.......... Did a thief entered the house? But dadan is a bandit right?..... I should open my eyes... One...... Two.....


dadan burst though the door with a broom, followed by the rest of the bandits

"My....... In my be-bed..... There is another guyyy hereee"

Dadan looked at us, i saw her worried look vanish and a look of disappointment come over her face,
"That's just ace... And here i thought sth bad happened, sleep for now, we will talk in the morning"

"Wa-Wait i don't even know this guy how can i sleep with hi-" With that dadan shut the door, leaving me with the two boys

Ace wakes up and sits while i get defensive and try to protect luffy with my hands

"what are you screming for?" The freckled face boy shouted, still half asleep

"Ge- get out Of the bed can't u see I am here? "

"Huh? But its my room..... *Snores*"

"Heey don't just fall asleep, even if it's your room i can't just sleep with a stranger you knowww!!! "

"I am ace, now you know me..... Now sleep" Said the guy who was already half asleep, continuing by a yawn.

Annnnndd he fells to the bed sleeping before i could say anything


luffy wakes up the same way
Half asleep...

"HEYY YOU ARE THE GUY WHO SPLAT ON ME EARLIER"........ Luffy shouts........yawns and falls asleep........

" Wtf? "

I couldn't care less anymore and thought I should see the rest in the morning and for now just sleep..... I falled asleeep between the two snoring monsters.

*chapter 2 ends, i hope you guys like it!! Do keep in mind that i will be changing the original plot as u guys already saw in this chapter for the sake of the story, byeeee :3*

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