Chapter : 15 {Dreams}

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I was at makino san's bar, luffy and ace didn't tag along for obvious reasons, she was telling me things bout soulmates

Hmm...... Makino san said she sees a red haired guy in her dreams, soo romantic!!!!!

I never dreamt bout ace or anyone tho, but did had nightmares bout sabo dying before he actually did

Yes. I hid it from everyone but i used to have nightmares bout him dying 1-2 days before he died... Maybe god was giving me a hint... But maybe i didn't get the hint

"Y/n? Y/n!!! " Makino called

"Ye-yes?!! " I answered

"What are you thinking bout again? Okay lets drop that, here is the food for luffy and ace, do take them home safe okay? " Makino answered

"Ye- yes" I answered, after saying bye to her i began walking towards the mountains

All of a sudden I saw sth when I blinked

??? What was it??


"Ahhh get awayyyy!!!"
a man running towards me and i fell, all the foods got wasted too from the fall*

But when I blinked again the 'dream' was already gone
Huh?? I have to be careful with the food


"Ahhh get awayyyy!!! "

All of a sudden i heard the same thing, from the same voice, from the same man
But this time In real life

"Hu-huhh? " I screamed but got away
The man kept running and was long gone before i could say anything to him

..... I wonder what was all that about?

*time skip*

"Y/n is hereee ace!!!" Luffy shouted from up a tree

"Food food food Food yayaya" Ace came running towards me

"Hmm all u guys missed and care bout was the food huh" I said

"No-noo of course i missed you too
y/nn" Ace said while having a meat in his mouth

"Yesss!! If u weren't here how would we had gotten the food?? " Said luffy in a serious tone

-_- "seriously?" I asked


Dadan san said she is going to take a shower, so we should finish eating and go to bed

we all replied yes

"ouchhhhhh ouch ouch ouch ouch It hurtsssssss, who left the soap on the damned bathroom Flooor?? Dadan san screamed and broke her left hand*

???? What was that again? I looked at dadan san and she had the towel in her hand and was walking towards the bathroom,

" Wa-wait dadan sa-" I screamed but was too late

"ouchhhhhh ouch ouch ouch ouch It hurtsssssss, who left the soap on the damned bathroom Flooor??" Dadan san screamed

Everyone ran and brought her to her room.i feel sad for her, she must be in so much pain.... But what was all that bout???

*at my room*

I am so confused...i remembered dad, the night before all that tragedy happened, he was saying sth like he have to move from this island soon.... Did he knew all this will happen?

For now i should keep all this a secret

.... *knock knock*

"Hm? Who? " I asked

"Your love" Replied ace

"Haha come in ace" I giggled

He came and hugged me, he said i seemed down

"I was just remembering my dad"

"Ohh what type of guy was he? " He asked

"Hmmm, he was a very gentle and kind person, he loved me very much, he was very strong too!! Once pirates entered our island and he defened all of them! " I said excited

"Wwooooww he must be very strong thenn!! This reminds me, you mentioned once that your mom was a devil fruit user, what devil fruit did she had? " Asked ace

"She had the fire-fire fruit!! It looked very powerful! She looked beautiful when she was using them! She mixed with fire Itself! " I said

"Wowww that's such a cool power
Y/n, maybe i will also eat a cool devil fruit someday" Said ace

"You are already very strong ace, even with a devil fruit luffy can't win against u haha" I gigled

He kissed me
The moon light filled the room, it was a full Moon today too...... This time again he began kissing my Neck, but i beared it..... I should keep up with him.... Or else he might find me too of a child to date...

I closed My eyes while Moaning a bit from the kisses,

*a bandit enters my room to call ace for some help, seeing us half naked....." I - i am sorrryyy" Shouts the bandit and closes the door in an instant*

Huh? Again?

"Ac-ace ca-can you at least lock the door? "
I asked embarrassed

"Hu-huh? Su-sure,sorry i forgot." With that ace went and closed the door

Before we could start to kiss again
a bandit knocks my room "ah- maybe they are busy, sorryy for knocking!!!" And he runs away

Me and ace just stared at each other and then started laughing

"Well good that you asked me to lock the door before he could enter"...... He kisses my neck, " I won't want them to see your precious body you know" Said ace with a smirk

He was so attractive

"... Ace? Can I ask you sth? "

"Yes? "

"Why are you in such a rush? "

With that ace stops kissing my body

"...... I am leaving next year y/n" He looked at me with such a sad expression, i felt like i am twlearing apart

"... When are you coming back ace?"

"I don't know, the day i achive my goal? "

I didn't wanted to take the convo further, i could feel its hurting him, its hurting me more tho

"You know y/n....i know you don't want to but...... Why not come with me-"said ace in a sad tone

" You also know it ace, i will be nothing but just a burden, you are gonna fight.... Explore.. Make new friends, there i will be, with no help at all... Your crew will have tons of work to do and fight to survive, if they always have a tiny girl to protect... Don't you think they are gonna be tired as well? Moreover it's very dangerous out there, i myself don't have any plans to go there........Maybe i will one day for you.... But not now-"

Before i could finish my sentence ace closed my mouth with a kiss

"I- i got it, you don't have to explain yourself more.... It just hurts me, but just know y/n you can never be a burden to me, nor to luffy ... " Said ace

"Thank you ace...... Just promise me we are gonna meet again one day... "

I asked

"Promise my queen"

........ A lots of thoughts were in my mind, but I tried to wash them away

I closed my eyes

"there she is, take her..... We caught her, we completed the mission" Said a huge guy to a den den mushi........

"Don't worry... Come with us..." Said a bear? Talking bear? *

I opened my eyes in a instant, i saw ace sleeping...... Should i discuss this 'dreams' with him? ..... Maybe i should soon....
With that I also falled asleep

*oki that's the chapterrrrrr
Bye byeeeee :3*
Lmao i sure do love writing their sleeping scenes

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