Chapter : 8 {Changes}

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Y/n's POV :

after finishing studies i went outside just to meet with makino san,
"Makinoooo!!!" Me and luffy shouted while ace and sabo stayed behind, after running to her she said today her bar was closed so she us gonna spend the day with us... YAYYY!!

She brought me And luffy some new clothes, and distributed luffy's clothes to ace and sabo too, promising them
that she is gonna bring more next time for them

After a while ace sabo and luffy went to play, me and makino sat under a tree watching them while having our girl's talk

"And then the gentlemen took somwthing out of his coat and it was a small box.... With an engagement ring in it,everyone in the bar clapped and cheered for them, it was soo fun!!" Makino said excited

"WOWWWW... The lady must have been so happy!!" My eyes glowed

Not noticing ace and the others were approaching closer...
"What are u so excited bout?? " Asked sabo

"Fufu i was telling y/n chan bout a couple who got engaged in my bar" Giggled makino
"It must have been so dreamy for the girlllll!!!! " Added y/n

"Whattt? You also want a ring y/n?? " Asked luffy curiously

"Hmmm i don't like wearing rings, but it sure is cute! " I answered

With that sabo ran somewhere and came back with something in his hands

"Here!!!" Sabo shouted taking everyone's attention to him

I saw a ring made with leaves and on top of it was a flower, awww

"Haha thank you sabo" I giggled

"Ahh young loveee" Teased makino

"Tehe no problem y/n" Sabo added as he gave a little blush

I saw an angry ace behind sabo, what's he so angry bout? But didn't pay him any mind because makino was bout to leave :((

Makino : " Ahh getting a gift from you close ones really does feel good right y/n chan?okay kids, i will come back again soon.... Byee byee"

With that the pretty lady was gone

Third person POV :

Ace thought to himself..... "Gift? Hmm i remember in my recent Loot there was a expensive green  necklace maybe,Y/n did said she doesn't like wearing rings too. ..... Sabo's one is a leaf which will tear apart soon but i am gonna give her a real one!! Yoosh"

With that ace went to his loot place to go bring the necklace for y/n

While y/n was worried where may ace have gone alone.....

When ace came back he saw luffy sabo and y/n playing truth or dare in their room
He joined, keeping the jewelry in the little pocket of his new jeans

"Ahh ace is here too"sabo smiled
" Come join us ace" Y/n spoke
"Yayaya i am gonna make ace eat a devil fruit with this dare" Luffy giggled

"Where tf are you gonna find a devil fruit for that luffy??" Ace laughed

After a while luffy said this game is boring because ace doesn't wanna do the impossible things luffy tells him To when he get 'dare', for example flying or breathing underwater, or beat grap up when he returns home

"Hmm then let's play something else, ah i got it, let's play what we like bout each other!! " Y/n said while laughing

"Huhh??! We are gonna propose to each other?! " Ace screamed

"Noo idiot, its like, for example, sabo I like your hat, because its tall and makes you seem like a gentleman!! " Y/n smiled while explaining

With that the blonde hid his face with his hat but we could see his ears blushing

Destiny's hatred child{Ace x childhood friend! reader}one Piece Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum