Chapter : 7 {Sabo}

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Y/n's POV :

Ace me and luffy started to get along well,everyday we play, eat and sleep together, even dadan is surprised by the amount of time ace spends at home now
I taught ace and luffy some manners like greeting and also taught them some basic studies
One day ace skipped his daily class with me And luffy.... This time instead of scolding him, Me and luffy decided to follow and see where he goes....

"Huh another kid?? " Whispered luffy

"You are a kid yourself", i whispered back, " Plus that guy seems older than you..... "

Luffy shouted "maybe he can be my friend!!" And with that luffy jumped in front of ace and sabo....... Idiot

Ace And sabo grabbed him and tied him up "well seems like we have a problem here, he saw our loot" Mumbled sabo
"Let's kill him" Said ace

Phew, i can't let them hurt luffy of course, so I came in front of them from the bush, "if u have to punish anyone please punish me.. I brought luffy here with me" I shouted at them

"Great let's kill her too ace haha" Said the big hat guy with an evil tone
Ace punched that "sabo" Guy and shouted " NO WE CAN'T, DID YOU LOST IT?!! "......

I laughed at the scene.... It was already starting to get dark so i said i should head home With luffy, but luffy insisted on going With them, after Making ace promise that he is gonna bring luffy back without harm back home before night, i went to back to The house.....

It was night, ace returned home
I asked him where luffy is and he replied him And sabo sended luffy home shortly after I left....

My little luffy is in danger??!!

The situation became serious quickly.... Ace didn't let me get out of the house to look for luffy, he went alone saying he is gonna inform sabo too, and they are gonna look for him together

All i could do was pray that both of my dearest family...are unharmed now.

They both didn't returned the entire night"maybe I should inform dadan san"
........ "Ace... Luffy.... What should i do.... "

With that i falled asleep crying,in our bed...while waiting for them
As i woke up i met with a screaming dadan

One.... Two.... Three.... Eh?

One.... Two.. Three... Eh?

Ace... Y/

ACEEE,Y/N,LUFFY WHO IS HEE?? Screamed the old lady

Before i could care bout anything... I hugged the half asleep ace...... My ace.... He didn't had a scratch on his body...after that i looked for luffy, who was still fully asleep

After the boys woke up Completely, they explained to dadan that sabo is gonna live here with us too.... Well the more the merrier, but the snores are gonna increase now... I thought to myself

After dadan gave her permission and went away, ace and sabo explained that a pirate had caught luffy and that they saved him, luffy wasn't very proud of the event tho as he was the one who got beaten up, my baby......

I hugged luffy from his back, taking him on my lap, talking with the other boys while staying in that position

Third person POV :

"hehe ace i can see your face turn red in anger" Whispered sabo

"Shu-shut up" Whispered ace while screaming at the same time

"That's the reason i hate pirates", y/n had remembered how her family was taken away by pirates as per Makino and how her new family which was this boys in front of her, were also soo close to be taken away... Again By some Pirates....

Sabo stared at y/n and spoke "you hate pirates y/n??! "...... " But pirates are soo coollll" Stated luffy
"Yesss! We wanna be a pirate when we grow up!!! " Said sabo"right ace-"

That's when the freckle faced boy kicked them....he didn't wanted y/n to know he wants to be a pirate too.... What if she ends up hating him? He was afraid.... Very afraid of losing her.... Let it be distance physically or mentally.

Sabo whispered to luffy's ears "shuushh luffy looks like ace needs time to let y/n know he is gonna be a pirate, lets not interfere"
While luffy just nodded in response while picking his nose

*at evening*
The four kids were together playing outside, when sabo was running behide luffy to beat him up because luffy played another stupid prank on him

Y/n just stood and laughed as she watched them
That's when ace came....
"Y/n..i have something to tell you"..... Spoke ace

" I already know. You wanna be a pirate right ace?" Y/n knew... Just looking at ace's expressions were enough for her to know that he was trying to hide it

" Ye- yeah...... Y/n but i am gonna show you that even pirates can be good! Not all pirates kills people for fun or beat them up..... They just want to live freee! I am gonna be the person with the most freedom on the world, just watch me..... I will Prove it to you."states ace, so proudly... Just by looking at him y/n felt proud.

"I know ace, if it's you,luffy and sabo, even if you guys are pirates, you guys are gonna be the most friendly and stupid pirates there exists haha" Giggled the kid

"Thank you y/n..for putting your trust in us".... With that ace holds y/n's hands.. They were warm

Thats when luffy shouted " Oiii acee
Y/n come let's go find some beetles!!"

"Coming!!! " Y/n shouted

"Haha what are you doing there ace? Trying to build a family?" Teased sabo.

"WAIT THERE SABO I AM GONNA BEAT YOUR ASS" screamed ace while running to sabo, who was already escaping

A cold wind blew
"Winter is almost here" Mumbled y/n before running to caught up with the three boys.

*thatsss alll, next chapter there is gonna be a timeskip!!! Also the story will be 30-40chapters long at most, i will try to put more plot into one chapter, but sorry for slowing the pace, i just love writing about their daily progress soo muchh (◍•ᴗ•◍)
Byeee :33!!*

Destiny's hatred child{Ace x childhood friend! reader}one Piece Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum