There are many races here.

"General Con, can you tell us what these are?"

"Ah. Don't worry. Our world has many races. His race is called Orc."

The General looked at one of the officers and said.

He then pointed to the others in the room.

"He's an elf, he's a werewolf, he's a vampire. There's no reason to be afraid of them. They're just like us. They just look different from us. Also, the undead that you have seen are also a race of our world."

"You mean your world is inhabited by more intelligent races besides humans?"

"Yes. We all live together."

The general grinned at the blonde man.

"What exactly is your... nation's objective here, general?" the shorter captain asked. He was accustomed to assuming that there was no one outside the walls, but now...

"Well, this gate was opened by the will of our emperor. We will help you against the Titans. Also, we want to secure a mutually beneficial alliance with you"

"But why would you do it? What's in it for you?"

"You're right. We're here to conquer more land. But don't worry. We won't harm you. We'll just collect resources.
Our emperor is a very kind person. He wants us to help you. So we will help you. We want relationships full of friendship."

Erwin maintained a stoic expression, eyeing the general.

It hid an excitement he hadn't thought he could ever experience again. This was an opportunity, not just to reclaim the land lost to the titans, not just to ensure that humanity got its freedom back, but it would potentially prove the theories his father had taught him.

"General, you are aware of our situation."

"Yeah, We rescued some of your soldiers. They told us of the attack four years ago. I won't lie, commander, we had made a plan should contact with you not been made before the end of the week. We wanted to seal up the broken wall before moving in to make contact with the rest of the population."


"Did you rescue our people?"

"Yes. We will return them to you soon."

"W-wait a second! You could have sealed up Wall Maria in a week?! " Hanji half yelled before Erwin could ask properly.

"Hell, we could be doing it right now if we weren't busy orienting ourselves. But we need a flat ground to land our heli- uh- flying machines."

"Flying Machines?!" the odd girl yelled,


Outside of the tent, the rest of the team was trying not to eavesdrop, and they were not alone. It was an odd mixture of boys and girls in completely different attire. Some had a green, blotted uniform that was filled to the brim with gadgets the scouts couldn't figure what they were for and weren't sure about asking.

The others were the legendary Survey Corps, the best chance humanity had in defeating the titans, but most of the Empire troops saw them as kids.

Neither of them wanted any misunderstandings.

Most of these Empire soldiers are six to eight feet tall. Many of them have different body structures. Their faces could not be seen as they were wearing masks

Petra glanced at the soldier with the equipment he was wearing was definitely unlike anything she had ever seen. What intrigued her, and probably most of the scouts.

Sorcerous empire in the Attack on Titan worldWhere stories live. Discover now