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Asialyn B. Duncan
Las Vegas, Nevada|

It was almost as if all the great moments I'd had with Chris were erased from my memories.

What the fuck was I thinking.

Right now I'm sitting in the kitchen with my head turned down and tears running down my face. Sky is standing next to me still holding onto her gun while Q stands by the entrance.

Both of them are watching Chris go back and forth from the bedroom upstairs to his car to take his things.

After Sky & Q barged in and saved me from whatever Chris was getting ready to do he stood back up looked at me then smiled.

He wiped the blood from his mouth then nodded his head like he was agreeing with himself "That's the type shit you do Asia? You get niggas to come in my house and threaten me?" He laughed a bit but nothing was funny.

"She must have given you the pussy too huh ?" He pointed his finger at Q questioning

"It's cool—I'll be out" He walked away knocking over the lamp on the side table on his way upstairs.

"I swear to god—" Sky broke through the silence, closing her eyes trying to calm down. We started to hear things being tossed and thrown around upstairs.

"Come here g" Q spoke up looking at me with sad eyes and meeting me halfway into a tight hug.

He pulled back, his hands resting at the sides of my head scanning my face for any bruises or scratches I assume. He wiped my tears with his thumbs. Thankfully for him and Sky it didn't get that far.

Thank god.

My pussy must be good

Not the time for that Asia..

"Don't even waste your tears on him, that nigga doesn't deserve that" Q said softly looking me in the eyes, I could tell it was more he wanted to say.

"Did he hit you?" He questioned calmly but I know he was just ready for me to give him a reason to put Chris in a hospital bed.

Although that's what I wanted for him grabbing me like i was a fucking child in Walmart touching shit I wasn't supposed to.

He didn't hit me.

"Nah, he threw a pillow at my head hard as fuck but other than that" I shook my head answering him.

Just then Chris walks downstairs with two full backpacks, one in his hand the other on his shoulder.

"Um, I know you got more clothes then that nigga, get ALLL yo shit." Sky spoke in an outside voice making circle motions with the gun in her hand.

He looked her up and down with a turned up face then eyed Q holding onto both sides of my head and went back upstairs.

Did he think he was going to come back?

Gathering all his things and taking it to his car he comes back through the door to look around like he forgot something and then makes his way into the kitchen. Sky & Q buck up again now watching him like a hawk, along with myself.

He opens the pantry and grabs a few old grocery bags then walks to the drawers by the sink and starts pulling out the forks, spoons, and butter knives.

Is he for real ?

He opens cabinets and starts taking the mugs, cups, and all my decorative plates he brought for me.

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