Seasons change

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Seasons change, they come and go,
But people remain, in their steady flow.
Summer sunshine fades into fall's hue,
Winter's chill gives way to spring anew.

The trees stand tall, their leaves dance free,
A canvas of colour for all to see.
The wind whispers secrets in my ear,
Of times past, and memories so dear.

But amidst the beauty, I can't help but fear,
That time is fleeting, and life is brief,
For as the seasons turn, we stay the same,
Trapped in our own lives, filled with pain.

We chase the moments, day by day,
Never stopping to look away,
From the routines that bind us tight,
And keep us locked in endless fight.

Oh, how I long for something more,
Than just this monotony we adore.
To break free and find some peace,
In a world that never seems to cease.

But in the end, it's hard to let go,
Of all the things we've come to know.
So, we cling to the familiar embrace,
And watch as the seasons fade away.

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