Behind The Curtain

Start from the beginning

Coach Lotus proceeded to unfold the envelope, extracting the enclosed note card. The anticipation filled the entire room as the 14 dancers joined hands, forming a tight bond.

"Matt, Heritage, River, Saylor, Emmie, Camry, Dakota, Indiana, Abby, Rylann, Parkyr, Zoey, Harper, and Savannah. Ladies and Gentlemen, The Spotlight Dance Magazine has chosen...," he unveiled the contents of the note card.

A grin spread across his face, and he uttered, "Miss Zoey Campbell"

A cacophony of pure screams erupted, engulfing Zoey in a tight group hug from everyone around, except for Harper, surprisingly. Within her, a mix of emotions stirred, an unusual sensation for her. She genuinely felt happy for Zoey, yet there was a conflicting part of her. When Zoey personally approached and embraced her tightly, Harper mustered a forced smile. Forced? It didn't sit well with the 17-year-old.

"Alright, Zozo. Tomorrow, you'll be flying out to New Jersey, okay?" Coach Lotus declared. Zoey nodded, her lips trembling as tears welled in her eyes. Her friends enveloped her in their comforting arms.

"This is the beginning of your journey in the dance world. Zoey Campbell will be known by many," he announced. Zoey quickly sought solace in his embrace.

"Text your Mom and ask her to come here," Coach whispered as he pulled away. Zoey nodded and retrieved her phone, tears streaming down her face.

"Thank you all for participating in the audition process. I expect to see you'll back here tomorrow. Have a wonderful evening," Coach Lotus concluded as the teenagers left studio B.

Just a few minutes later, the entire Campbell family walked into the room. Their eyes immediately fell upon Zoey, who was in tears, and concern washed over their faces.

"Worriedly, Sarah asked, "Honey, what's wrong?"

With a smile, Coach Lotus reassured them, "Those are actually happy tears."

The family raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"You all know that the Elites had the chance to audition for The Spotlight Dance Magazine," Coach Lotus explained, and the family nodded in understanding.

"We just received the results, and..." Coach Lotus trailed off, gesturing for Zoey to continue.

"It's me," Zoey wailed.

"OH MY GOD!" Sarah screamed, rushing to hug her daughter tightly, with her husband joining in.

Ben smiled gladly, "So proud of you, Zoey!"

Sarah kissed her daughter's cheek, and Wyatt gave his twin sister a big hug, followed by Griffin.

"Tomorrow, Sarah and Zoey will be flying out to New Jersey, to one of there film studios," Coach Lotus announced. "I wish you both the best of luck while you're there." He addressed the ladies.

"Thank you," Sarah replied, hugging Coach Lotus politely.

"Your welcome, Mrs. Sarah," Coach Lotus smiled. "Have a great night. I'll send you all more information about the trip."

The five of them waved goodbye as they left studio B, but Griffin turned back for a moment.

"Hey Coach, did Harper already leave?" he asked.

"Yeah, man," Coach Lotus confirmed. Griffin nodded skeptically before finally exiting.

°⨳°·..·°⨳°⊹٭ the next day ٭⊹°⨳°·..·°⨳°

Zoey strolled through the hallway of Sulphur Springs High School, donning a pair of plush grey joggers, Nike blazers, and a white crop top. With her lunchbox and Stanley securely held in her hands, her friends remained by her side.

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