Chapter 8 *Awards*

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Harper slowly stood and her team followed up knowing it was award time.

"Ok, you guys, it's time to come on stage, '' the backstage worker said to the crowded backstage area filled with dancers from all over.

The dancers all walked on stage, only to hear the loud music and the crowd cheering, clapping, and whistling.

When Harper and her team came out on stage, they felt the atmosphere change, the crowd became louder and wilder. "Sulphur Springs Dance Studio '' was known to always win, especially at Up Stage Dance Competitions.

It was a long while for the competition workers to place the dance studios in the right spots to sit.

Eventually everyone got settled

" Who's ready for some awards?" The announcer said as the crowd roared

"Ok, we're gonna start with our Up Stage Senior small group," the announcer said into his microphone.

"Alright everybody in third place...The Twilight Zone, Starlight Dance Company."

All that was heard was applause. As the dancers from Starlight Dance company walked into the middle of the stage to receive their trophies.

All smiles as Starlight Dance Company settled back on the floor with their trophy.

" Second place goes to... Gravity Dance Center, Far From Home'' The Announcer said

Bravos were heard as Gravity Dance Center stood up to receive their trophy.

At this point Sulphur Spring Dance Studio was a little nervous, there were a bunch of other teams left to win. What if they didn't even place?

"-And our top scoring, National winner for the Up Stage senior small group goes to..."

The suspense was real, as the auditorium was filled with silence, Sulphur Springs Competitive team along with the others, all holding hands and waiting eagerly for the results.

"Entry number 124 "Home Alone," Sulphur Springs Dance Studio" The Announcer said

The crowd went wild as Harper's Dance team walked to the middle of the stage.

Harper watched as her dance team received their trophy.

She smiled the whole time.

"And what studio?" The Announcer asked through the mic

"SULPHUR SPRINGS DANCE STUDIO" The dance team yelled into the microphone in front of them

"Very nice job," the announcer said as the team walked back to Harper to sit down. The crowd cheered and clapped.

"Ok, we're going to move over to the Up Stage Senior Solos." The announcer said

Harper felt butterflies in her stomach.

Harper could see her mom and her brother in the audience looking more nervous than her, she could also see the Campbells. They were looking so anxious, especially Griffin.

"Our third-place top scorer goes... to entry number 66, "Emergency"

Harper felt relieved as the crowd clapped for the dancer. She caught her friends giving her light smiles, and she smiled back.

"Our second place goes to...We Heal Together"

The crowd cheered as the dancer received their trophy. Harper had no hope at this point. It already sucked that she tripped on stage, but to make matters worse she might have not even placed.

"Ok, everybody, our first place Up Stage senior solo, also being crowned Miss Up Stage for the National finals goes to..."

The room was silent as an uneasy vibe went around. Harper had support all around her. The team was holding Harper's hands tightly, as they all closed their eyes.

Zoey, Wyatt, and Topher linking arms firmly

Jess, Sarah, and Ben watch suspenseful.

And Griffin was all over the place, His head was down in his hands, His hearing only available, and he was shaking. Harper needed to win.

"Harper Dunn with Can You Hear Me?" The Announcer said

Harper's mouth dropped as she slowly stood up to receive her trophy.

Harper got a standing ovation. The applause was loud, and Harper could hear people chanting her name.

From the stage, Harper saw her Family and The Campbells. Her mom was standing and clapping, if you look close enough she was shedding light tears. Mr. and Mrs. Campbells looked unduly amazed as they clapped. Topher, Zoey, and Wyatt were overly joyed, and Griffin was dazzled as he was clapping. He knew she would win. After all, she's Harper Dunn.

"Miss Harper, we had a judge that wanted to talk to you," The announcer said

Harper nodded

She looked where the judges' table was

"First, you're an amazing dancer, and you have so much talent," The Judge said

Harper smiled

"The thing that made us choose you for first place was, we saw your fall on stage, and we could tell you tried to keep going, but you just couldn't, and I see right now you did something to your ankle"

Harper did a leg hold, showing her wrapped ankle.

Yes, most people would just have left after an injury like that, but we can tell you live to dance. When we judge dancers, we judge the dancer, but then we also judge the motivation. You have competed with us many times, and it was just, so so real for us to see what you were before and what you are now as a dancer. You're a beautiful girl, and you have amazing points and technique, and we knew that you deserved to go home with a win. Miss Harper Dunn, you are a TRUE dancer." The Judge said

"Thank You," Harper said into the microphone as the crowd cheered again.

She won- Harper Dunn is a National champion.

Griffin was right.

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