Chapter 1

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6:00 am

Harper was in her bed soundly asleep. Her body relaxed and eased Until her mom burst into her room.

"Harper Honey, Today's the day "

"What," Harper said sleepily

"Harper, you have a dance competition."

Harper Dunn. A competitive dancer. Harper has been dancing since she was 2 years old. It's always been something she was good at. She could use her dancing skills for an advantage like if it was being the most flexible in P.E. or even to show off her Ariels to some people who think they know it all. Harper was at the Tremont with Griffin a lot but when she wasn't, she was at what's known as Sulphur Spring Dance Studio.

"MOM," Harper said drooping her face into her pillow slightly annoyed that she was woken up this early

"Today is nationals remember," Jess said walking over to Harper, crouching beside her bed

Harper was honestly just drowning out all the things her mom was saying until she heard those words

"Any way you need to get ready, you have a ballet class this morning before the competition,"

Jess said just before kissing Harper's forehead and leaving the room.

"Kay," Harper said, giving a fake smile.

Once Jess left the room. Harper sat up on her bed, putting her back on the headboard. She quickly grabbed her phone only to go to messages and to a group chat called "Land Of A Thousand Dancers "

                                                                                                    Nationals is today?


Yeah, harps


God, I thought you would be one to remember

                                                                                                      I thought I would to


Why do you seem so like... Alarmed

                                                                               Cuz I told Griffin he could

                                                          watch me dance at frickin' nationals

                                                                 and I said that 4 months ago,

                  I guess I thought that nationals wouldn't come so fast.


Oh griffin your bf

                                                                                                                  he's not my bf


Don't worry he's probably already forgotten

I mean you said that 4 months ago

                                                                                                          Yeah, I guess you're-

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