S1 EP:4 Stolen Heart

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Lucas slammed the shed door, before walking inside the house himself. God, he hated Griffin with all his heart. Always trying to get in the way of him and his girl. Lucas wasn't going to stand for it for long. He went into the kitchen. Lucas came upon two glass bowls filled with macaroni and cheese with a silver fork lodged inside of them. He quickly located the medicine cabinet and began rummaging for an item. Lucas smirked as he grabbed the medicine container, quickly unscrewing the lid and pouring out three pills. Lucas grabbed a knife and began chopping up the pills. Lucas then put the pill tabs on top of Griffin's Mac and cheese. Lucas mixed the tablets in with the fork, concealing them from view. Lucas smugly collected the bowls and led them to the teenagers.

"Your food is ready," Lucas said as he entered the living room.

Harper reached for the pill bowl, but Lucas quickly drew back.

"This is yours, Harp," Lucas said as he handed Harper the other bowl.

"This is yours," Lucas insisted. Griffin raised an eyebrow as he grabbed the bowl from Lucas' grasp. Lucas smirked.

Griffin and Harper were perplexed as Lucas stood there staring at the couple.

"You can leave us alone," Griffin said, motioning with his hand. Lucas went slowly out of the living room, his gaze still fixed on the two, particularly Griffin.

"Weird" Harper whispered. Griffin agreed and kissed her on the temple. The two then returned their eyes to the television and ate their Mac and cheese in peace.

Lucas didn't seem to notice the medicine working when he peered over the stairwell. He let out a sigh. Perhaps it took longer to take effect, he reasoned. That's when something happened that piqued Lucas's interest.

"Do you want a bite of mine, Lovey?" Griffin inquired, a forkful of Mac and cheese in hand. Griffin giggled as Harper eagerly nodded. He slid the fork softly into Harper's mouth.

"NO!" Lucas spoke up, emerging from the shadows. Griffin removed the fork.

"No?" Griffin cocked his brow.

"No...You can't let Harper take a bite. Mrs. Dunn made your bowl just for you." Lucas told a half-truth.

Griffin and Harper exchanged glances. Griffin sighed and said, "Fine." He then ate the bite that was supposed to go to Harper. Lucas nodded smugly before leaving the two 'alone' once more.


Griffin and Harper eventually finished their meal, leaning forward to put their empty bowls on the coffee table. Upon the background noise, the movie they were watching had come to an end.

"Wanna watch something else?" Harper inquired as she reached for the remote.

Griffin yawned, "Um, Muffin, I'm actually a little tired."

Harper seemed perplexed. "Tired?"

"Yeah, just started too," Griffin said, followed by another yawn. Griffin had fallen asleep before Harper could respond. Harper smiled as she stood up from the couch and draped the soft blanket over her boyfriend. She bent down and kissed his lips tenderly before standing.

"Is he asleep?" Harper was startled as Lucas entered the living room. She gave a nod.

"Perfect," Lucas grinned as he moved closer to her. Harper arched her brow.

"Now we can have some alone time," Lucas said as he took Harper's hands in his. She hastily drew them away from him.

Lucas gasped at the sudden movement. "Playing hard to get, huh?" He smirked as he backed Harper into a wall, causing her to bang into it.

"There's no one who can help you now, Harper," Lucas informed her.

"Your boyfriend can't, your mom can't,". Lucas chuckled "Your dad can't". Harper lowered her gaze in response to the remark.

"Does that make you sad?" Lucas mocked, pouting. He then ran his hand up Harper's leg.

"Let Lucas pleasure you then," he said, leaning in for a kiss. Harper swiftly backed away, which infuriated Lucas. He then grabbed her chest and squeezed her bust forcefully, causing her to whimper.

"You do what I say, Harper," Lucas stated sternly, "and now we're going upstairs, into your bedroom, and god, we're going to have some fun." "Am I clear?"

Harper, terrified, nodded.

"USE YOUR WORDS!" He gripped even harder.

"Yes, Lucas" Harper winced fast. Lucas nodded and took his hands away from her.

"Now be a good girl and lead the way," Lucas says with a smug grin. Harper trailed up the stairs, terrified of what would happen if she didn't, feeling Lucas' presence close behind her. Harper made it up the stairs and into her room despite repeated strikes on her rear.

Lucas slammed the door and pushed Harper onto her bed.

"I've been looking forward to this," Lucas said as he approached her. Lucas placed his hands on Harper's crop top and was about to pull up on it when Harper moved his hands away.

"Stop!" she yelled. Lucas furrowed his brow.

"Excuse me?"

"Leave my house!" Harper screamed.

"Harper" he warned "Be a good girl for Lucas,"

"I'm not your 'good girl,'" Harper contended

"Listen to me, Lovey-"

"Don't ever call me that!" Harper cried out

Lucas sighed "Just think of me as Griffin-"

"Griffin would never force me to do this," Harper exclaimed. Lucas was irritated at this moment.

"I told you to follow my orders, Harper. "You broke the rules, and now you're getting punished," Lucas stated as he grabbed Harper's wrist and led her out the bedroom door. Harper fought valiantly to break free from Lucas' grasp, but it was too tight, and she began to weep.

"Please, no" Harper sobbed in protest as Lucas practically dragged her down the stairs, offering one last glimpse of her boyfriend asleep on the couch.

"Griffin" Harper screamed, but it was no use. Lucas tugged Harper out the door and towards his vehicle. As she continued to cry, Lucas reached into the trunk and retrieved duct tape. He secured Harper's wrists with it.

"Shut up or I'll do your mouth," Lucas said. Harper bit her lower lip as she struggled to hold back her sobs. Lucas pushed the 17-year-old into the backseat, and she whimpered as her head collided with something hard. Lucas slammed the back door shut before climbing inside the car. Harper couldn't stop the sobbing that slipped her as she watched her house recede through the window as Lucas backed out of the driveway.

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