Caught in 4k

513 7 26

Requested by:@alimleio


Where's Harper and Griffin?" Jess asked

The Dunns and The Campbells were all headed to the water park for the day. Times like these were when Zoey and Harper had breaks from dance. Everyone was downstairs in the lobby, well the twins and Topher were somewhere else but they were downstairs for all we know of. Everyone was waiting for Harper and Griffin. Where the heck were they?


Griffins Room

"We have to get downstairs, there all waiting," Harper said, sitting at Griffin's desk

"Why do we have to go to the water park today" Griffin complained, sounding like a child. He was sitting on the edge of his bed

"Why don't you want to go?" Harper asked raising an eyebrow

"'Cause you rarely have free time, because of your dancing, and this was my chance to spend the day with you, doing-"

"doing what?" Harper said standing up from the desk seat


Griffin was at a loss for words as Harper approached him and straddled his lap, placing her hands on his shoulders.

"You make me do things, Harper Dunn," Griffin said, putting his hands on his girlfriend's waist

"I know," Harper said, with a smirk

"I think we have time", Griffin said checking his invisible watch,

"You're not even wearing a watch"

"Oh, so we have more time than ever," Griffin said with a smile

Harper rolled her eyes and chuckled

Griffin kissed Harper deeply

Harper kissed back, immediately becoming the more dominant one (as she should be)

What a way to "waste" time


"What are they doing," Ben said starting to sound annoyed

"I don't know?" Jess sighed

"Ok, is it just me, or they've been acting a little ....different," Sarah asked the adults

"Same, yesterday we went to McDonald's, and the people got Harper's order wrong," Jess said

"And?" Ben said raising an eyebrow

" "And" she didn't complain about it. Harper only never complains when she's happy about something" Jess said stating the obvious

"Oh, then this is more serious than I thought," Sarah said agreeing

" I'm sure there just asleep or something-"

The twins and Topher walked into the lobby, meeting the rest of the family

"Hey do you guys know what is taking Harper and Griffin so long," Ben asked

"Oh there like kissing or something," Zoey said, not really paying attention

", But dad I saw these shoes yesterday and-"

"There what?" Ben said cutting his daughter off

"Kissing" Zoey repeated, looking kind of confused

"I knew it," Jess said as she went upstairs, everyone followed her

The Campbells and The Dunn's went upstairs, they stopped at Griffin's room peeking their heads through the door.

They saw it all.

Harper and Griffin kissing.

"Ok, If we stay quiet we can see where this-"

"CANT YOU GUYS KISS LATER" Topher yelled as she opened the door fully, revealing everyone in its path

Harper and Griffin got startled. Harper quickly got off Griffin's lap, standing up straight


"So this is what you've been doing," Jess said to Harper

Harper didn't say anything but looked down

"Harpers your girlfriend?" Ben asked his son

Griffin nodded

"So, how long has this been going on," Sarah said using hand movements

Harper and Griffin looked at each other

"Like, a week or something," Harper said quietly


"Welp, let's go, we don't have time to waste," Jess said starting to walk out the door, shrugging everything off

Everyone followed

"W.. wait you're not mad?" Harper asked in shock

"How could we be, It took you guys long enough," Sarah said before all of them left the room

Harper giggled

"Well that went better than planned," Harper said as she walked back over to Griffin's desk, getting her towel

"For now, just wait till they find out we had a-"

"Don't remind me" Harper said before she left the room as well

Griffin just chuckled, following behind Harper

His Girlfriend.

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