Chapter 4

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3:28 pm

Harper was in the dressing room, running her dance for her coach. Everyone sat and admired her dancing. Harper was one of the best dancers on the team. She was also one of the most hard-working. Harper has been at the dance from 3:45 to 9:00 at night before, maybe even longer when it's competition season. Overall Harper dances at least 20 hours a week.

Harper was still running her dance when one of the Dance Competition's backstage crew members walked into their dressing room.

"Um, we have Harper Dunn with "Can You Hear Me"?" The backstage worker asked

"Yeah," Coach Lotus said, pointing to Harper.

"C'mon sweetie, there are 6 more numbers till your routine," the backstage worker said, gesturing to Harper.

Harper fiddled with her fingers as she followed the backstage worker out the door, her friends (obviously) followed her backstage too

They walked down the hallway in silence to get to the backstage area. Harper felt her heartbeat getting stronger as they got closer. She was doing this.

"Ok, Miss Harper just wait here," the backstage worker said as they were now officially in the wing of the stage.

Harper knew it wasn't smart to watch the other dancers before going on stage, but she was trying to calm herself, by focusing on something else.


There was now only 1 routine, before Harpers, she was all in her head at this point, standing closer to the stage each time a number got off. She jumped out of her thoughts when she heard her name being called

"Harper come here," Matt said

Harper walked over to her friends as they all huddled together, arms of each other's lower back

"Ok, Harper this is it. This is your chance. You are the best thing that's ever happened to this team. You are someone we can all turn to for help with literally anything, You mean so much to us, so Harper, when you go on stage you better dance your fricken heart out. I mean it better look like the last time you will ever dance. Forever a Dancer, Harper" Matt said as they all hugged.

"I love you guys" Harper whispered

"We love you too," they all said

They all pulled away as Harper walked back over to the edge of the wings.

Harper saw the other number walk off-stage, so she knew she was up next.

"Ladies and gentlemen please welcome Harper to the stage performing Can You Hear Me?" The Announcer said through the speakers.

The crowd practically roared as Harper gracefully walked onto the stage keeping her head up high. Harper did sneak a few glances into the audience only to see Griffin grinning ear to ear

Harper did an attitude turn, to the floor as she waited in her pose for her music to start

(Harper's Song-(Can You Hear Me?- Anson Seabra)

Once the music began, Harper turned into a different person. Harper moved so gracefully across the stage. Harper did stunning pirouettes, outstanding leaps, and breathtaking illusions. Harper had beautiful points and gorgeous leg holds. She was so flexible.

Harper was going in for an aerial, one of her favorite tricks. Harpers has lovely long legs which make her Ariel look more flawless than they seem to be.

Harper had a magnificent prep into her Ariel, flipping in the air, feeling like she was in slow motion until Harper lost her balance. Her reflexes tried to put her hands down to land the aerial safely, but instead, she ruthlessly landed on the hard stage floor.

"Harper?" Griffin said to himself watching what was happening

Harper was breathing heavily as she looked like a deer in headlights. The audience was silent, nothing but her music playing. Harper slowly stood back up to continue her dance, but quickly realized she couldn't put any weight on her foot. Harper couldn't do anything else at the moment but cry as she limped off-stage.

"It's Ok, Harper. I guess we will just move to our next entry-" The announcer stated akwardly through the speakers


"Oh my god," Jess said as she quickly stood up from her seat.

Jess slid in front of the Campbells to exit the row, rushing up the aisle to exit the auditorium.

"Is she ok?" Zoey asked her mom in a panic.

"I... I don't-"

"YOU DON'T KNOW?" Wyatt yelled

"It's going to be ok you guys, Harper's strong," Sarah said reassuring both of the twins.

The twins both settled back into their seats.

"Is she going to be ok?" Wyatt whispered to his friend, Topher

"I don't know, she limped off-stage," Topher said with no hope.

Zoey sat back in her seat, still worried about her friend, she looked beside her only to see her older brother looking like he was having an anxiety attack. He was fiddling with his fingers way too much, as well as his legs bobbing up and down uncontrollably.

Zoey then decided to rest a hand on his shoulder, a silent way of saying "She's going to be ok"

Griffin gave her a light- smile. 

Was Harper Ok?

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