S1 EP:6 (FINALE) Saving Her, Yet Losing Him

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Griffin gently opened his eyes, the sunshine illuminating his lovely brown ones. Griffin sleepily moved his hands gently, surveying his surroundings. He knew where he was when the blurriness in his sight vanished. Griffin groaned in irritation before looking over the driver's seat to see Wyatt, Zoey, and Topher sleeping soundly. Topher's head lay on the edge of the seat, and Zoey's head rested comfortably on his shoulder, while Wyatt reclined the seat. Griffin sighed and cursed aloud, oblivious to the fact that the three 15-year-olds were now awake.

"Language!" Wyatt remarked, sleepily

"Damn right," yawned Zoey, as Topher laughed.

Griffin glanced at Topher through the rearview mirror. "Are you freaking laughing?" he asked, before turning around. "It's 12:41 in the afternoon. We slept through the morning, and instead of waking up to my girlfriend cuddled in my arms, I wake up in a car parked outside a Wing Stop."

"Listen, it was late, and you suggested we take a break," Topher stated.

"You also mentioned waking you up in five minutes," Wyatt said.

Griffin arched his brow. "Why didn't you wake me up then?"

Wyatt shrugged, "The wing smell kind of threw me off, and I guess I forgot"

"You--you forgot?" Griffin inquired, irritably.

"It's okay, you guys. "We still have time to save, Harper," Zoey remarked, taking out her phone. As she browsed, there was awkward stillness.

"What are you doing?" Griffin asked.

"Placing an order," Zoey replied. "Do you want boneless wings?"

Griffin sighed and slouched in his seat, his hands covering his face.


Jess pulled the Tremont hotel doors open. She hurried over to the Campbell's residence after getting an urgent text message previously. As she walked in, she noticed Ben and Jess standing at the stairs

"They're gone?" Jess inquired.

Ben and Sarah exchanged glances, and Ben cracked a little smile. Sarah sighed and rolled her eyes.

"They're not upstairs, I'm not sure where they went," Sarah exclaimed, worried.

"I can't lose both my kids," Jess said. "You really have NO idea where they could be?" She asked eagerly.

"I really don't know, my car is also gone." Maybe they--oh, wait, I know where I can find out," Sarah recalled as she hurriedly took her phone from her pocket. Sarah checked her text messages and tracked her son's location.

"OK- T-there on the road," Sarah said.

"What?" Jess questioned as she took a look herself.

"They're about an hour away," She observed. "Where are they going?"

"I'm not sure," Sarah shrugged, "but we have to follow them."

Jess nodded in agreement as the two of them made their way out the door. On the other hand, Ben, feeling a sense of resignation, let out a deep sigh.

"Griffin?" He called out to the empty space

"I know you're pranking us. First Harper getting assaulted. Her getting kidnapped, and now this?" The walls echoed his voice.

"It's time to give up"

Ben jumped at the sound of the sudden disruption, his heart pounding as he saw a figure appear in the doorway.

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