Saved By Love

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This was his first time. While Topher was already familiar with Sulphur Springs Dance Studio and its Elite Competition team, standing in the greenroom amidst the drama of the 2024 National Dance Competition - the final event of the dance season - was a new experience for him. Dancers were racing around, stretching, running their dances for their Coach, counting steps for friends, putting on make-up, and doing their hair.

Topher couldn't help but note Griffin's responsibilities as he observed. He was aware that this was not Griffin's first rodeo, implying that he has been dating his sister for almost four years, making this his fourth Nationals appearance. But something about him, holding his phone up to his ear as he desperately looked through Harper's dance bag, seeking an item that she was screaming for on the other end of the phone in the restroom, was an unusual sight he saw, but he rather enjoyed it.

The door opening jolted him out of his reverie, showing what appeared to be a stage manager from backstage. She spoke in soft tones.

"Zoey Campbell with-"

"I'm coming, Lovey!" Griffin exited the green room firmly, the door closing with a click. There was stillness until the room burst out laughing.

"I'm sorry about him," Coach Lotus said with a grin.

"It's okay." "Zoey Campbell with '3,6,9'?"

"She's here." Zozo?" Heritage spoke up. Zoey emerged from behind the shifting curtain. Her tanned skin was as flawless as ever in her two-piece jazz costume. Her brown hair flowed down her back, and two braids lay sweetly in front.

"Ate," Matt quoted. Zoey's face lit up with a soft smile as she gathered with her dance team. They whispered words of encouragement, hoping to calm her nerves and wishing for a successful outcome. The huddle concluded with a heartfelt group hug. As Zoey made her way towards the stage manager, she felt the comforting pats on her back. Even from a distance, Topher could sense the distress in her expression, prompting him to make a spontaneous choice to follow her out the door.

When Zoey became aware of his presence, she spun around to face his anxious gaze.

"Hey, are you alright?" he inquired. Zoey affirmed with a nod, carrying on with her quiet journey towards the backstage area. Upon arrival, the stage manager directed Zoey to position herself near the wings, as there were only two more performances before hers. Topher stood next to Zoey, their arms gently brushing against each other.

Zoey's mind raced. This wasn't just any competition; it was Nationals. She yearned to maintain her National title. However, the more she pondered, the greater her anxiety grew. The weight of making her family, team, and herself proud became overwhelming.

As she felt herself begin to shake, she anxiously began to fiddle with her fingers. Zoey's heart was racing so quickly that she could almost keep up with it. The 15-year-old carefully turned around, approaching the close corner. Topher raised an eyebrow, concerned.

"Zoey?" He delicately touched her shoulder, only to have her whirl around, exposing her growing panic. Her chest heaved with each breath, her eyes widened, and her nostrils expanded as she desperately tried to take in air.

Topher's eyes widened in surprise at the sight. Zoey's panicked sobs filled the room as she continued to struggle for air. Her hands held onto his arms tightly, her desperation intensifying. Yet, Topher remained calm, urging her to find solace in her breath.

"Zoey, it's okay. Shh. Look at me. Its okay. Breathe-"

"I can't!" Zoey exclaimed, her hands urgently patting against his arms. She made frantic attempts to inhale, but the situation only intensified.

"Take deep breaths through your nose, Angel-"

"It's not working," Zoey almost whispered, straining to complete her sentence without gasping for air.

Topher took her hand, placing the other on her stomach. "Breathe with me, okay?" he whispered softly. Zoey nodded, and together they took a deep breath in, exhaling slowly on the count of three. They repeated this a few times until Zoey's breathing became more steady. It was a small moment, but it was enough to remind Zoey that she wasn't alone.

"There you go," Topher said, smiling. He came upon a water stand and without hesitation, he snatched up a sleek water bottle and made his way back to Zoey. With a gentle twist, he unscrewed the cap and presented the bottle to her. Zoey's hands trembled as she took a sip of the cool water. Topher steadied the bottle with one hand and tenderly wiped away her tear stains with the other.

Zoey gracefully lowered the water bottle, offering it back to him with a gentle gesture. In that moment, she let out a profound breath, releasing any tension that lingered within her.

"It's alright," Topher whispered, his voice filled with tenderness and reassurance. Zoey nodded in acknowledgement, her eyes reflecting a sense of solace. And then, without hesitation, the two souls merged into an embrace, enveloping each other in a comforting warmth. As Topher held her close, he tenderly rested his hand upon her silky strands of hair, swaying her gently from side to side.

"Zoey Campbell, you're on!" a melodious voice rang through the air, capturing their attention. In perfect synchrony, Zoey and Topher pulled away, but as Zoey retreated to the wings, she couldn't help but steal one final glance at Topher, provoking a shared smile that spoke volumes. Mesmerized, Topher observed as Zoey vanished effortlessly into the limelight.

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