Warm Hands

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Seventeen-year-old Harper was feeling under the weather and sore...really sore. The competitive team had several conventions and a competition coming up, requiring frequent visits to the studio. To top it off, Harper needed new headshots taken. Despite the circumstances, she was upstairs in her bedroom, at her desk, attempting to complete her homework amidst repeated coughing fits. Meanwhile, Mrs. Dunn was downstairs in the kitchen. She was preparing Harper's liquid antibiotics on a tray. That's when the doorbell rang. Jess sighed before placing everything down and going over to the door. She opened it.

"Hi," Griffin smiled.

"Hey bud," Jess replied.

"Is she upstairs?" He asked.

"Yeah, come on in," Jess gestured. "I need to ask you for a favor." She shut the door behind him.

"Anything, Mrs. Dunn," Griffin reassured her.

Jess and Griffin went into the kitchen and Jess picked up the tray with two medicine cups and one syringe.

"Would you make sure Harper takes her medicine?" Jess inquired.

Griffin grabbed the tray from Mrs. Dunn's hands and said, "Yeah".Jess nodded in appreciation as Griffin headed up the stairs.

His heart wrenched when he heard Harper's wet and congested coughs. She whimpered after each of them. They had to hurt. Griffin approached Harper's door and cautiously opened it so as not to shock her.

Griffin said softly, "Hi, Muffin." Harper glanced around, a smile spreading across her lips until it was cut short by another agonizing cough.

Griffin pouted as he closed the door and walked up to his girlfriend. He placed the platter on the desk and knelt next to Harper, gripping her waist.

"Are you feeling okay?" Griffin inquired politely. Harper sniffed a sob and shook her head.

"No, No. "Please don't cry, Lovey." Griffin wiped her tear-filled eyes. Harper was dressed in her competitive team practice uniform. At the sight, he raised an eyebrow.

"You went to dance today?" He inquired.

Harper murmured, "Yeah, I had a lot of conditioning and technique classes to prepare for the conventions."

"Why did you go to dance if you were sick?" Griffin rubbed her back

"I didn't want to let anyone down" Her voice trembled.

"Aw" Griffin whispered before kissing Harper's forehead.

"Your mom said you need to take your medicine," Griffin remarked. Harper whined in protest.

Griffin nodded, "I know, Lovey," as he picked up the small medicine cup. Griffin placed the cup on Harper's lips and titled it back as she opened her mouth. Harper grimaced as the last trickle of liquid landed on her tongue. Griffin shared her grimace, which made her laugh.

 "There's that beautiful smile" Griffin whispered as he scooped up the syringe.

 "Last one" Griffin comforted. Harper paused before encircling her lips with the thick tip. Griffin pushed the plunger in, and Harper immediately drew back and coughed loudly.

"I'm sorry" Griffin apologized as he laid the items down and grabbed his lover warmly. Griffin caressed her hair and said, "It's okay." She drew back with a sniff.

Harper grunted in irritation as she grabbed up her pencil again. Griffin realized that was the third time she'd done it. Something wasn't right.

"Are you sore?" Griffin inquired. Harper nodded. Griffin sprang up as an idea struck him.

Griffin stated, "I can make you feel better."

"Really?" Harper enquired

"Yeah," Griffin smiled as he took Harper's hands in his and pulled her up. Griffin placed Harper in her bed. He put his hands on the helm of Harper's sports bra, but Harper stopped him.

"You really want to do this when I'm dying?" Harper questioned

"Something else" Griffin smiled before pulling it off with a swift.

"Lay down on your stomach, Muffin" Griffin instructed. Harper rolled onto her stomach, a little grunt escaping her.

Griffin began rubbing Harper's shoulders and back. Harper's skin dissolved at the touch. Griffin moved his hands around, looking for skin that was tight. He shoved his fingers into the knot when he came across one. Harper groaned at the hard contact but relaxed as it untwined.

"You like that, Harps?" Griffin smiled smugly. Harper responded with a hum.

Griffin worked out another knot by rubbing it vigorously. Griffin kept looking and came upon another knot. It felt tighter than the others. He began to deeply caress it.

Harper moaned, releasing some of the strain. Griffin worked his way through additional knots, Harper's moans growing with each one. Griffin's face was smirking. He massaged all of her knots until they were gone.

Griffin carefully flipped Harper over onto her back. He then took her hands in his and cracked her knuckles. Harper let out a sigh. Griffin ran his hand across Harper's palm gently. Griffin took Harper's hand up to his mouth and kissed it sweetly. After completing both hands, he gently massaged circles on Harper's stomach.

"Thank you" Harper muttered.

"Anytime, Lovey," Griffin said before the two kissed, but Harper suddenly pushed Griffin away.

"I'm sick," she said.

"That's fine." Griffin shook his head.

"I don't want you to get sick" Harper pouted.

Griffin put his hand under her chin and looked her in the eyes. "I'd be honored if Harper Dunn gave me a sickness."

Harper laughed and smiled.

"Now, where were we?" Griffin climbed atop his girlfriend, but Harper switched them over so that she was on top.

"I'm in charge," Harper reminded. Griffin flipped them over once again.

"Not today," he smirked. 

𝐔𝐩 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐞, 𝙎𝙊𝙎𝙎 𝙊𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨Where stories live. Discover now