"You look so gorgeous this evening" she finally uttered while looking at me in the eyes.

"You are so beautiful too" I said smiling shyly.

But she isn't starting the car yet and I got a little confused over why. She just has her eyes fixed on me making my heart to flutter. After some seconds of locking eyes with me she leaned over to me. Bringing her face so close to mine. My heart skipped few beats thinking she wants to kiss me but again, she just wants to help with my seatbelt. Gosh she really needs to stop doing this to me.

After some minutes, we arrived at the venue. We got out of the car and walked into the building. The whole place is beautifully decorated.

"Guess who is already here?" Someone said and everyone turned to us.

All eyes are on us but me mostly. They aren't taking their eyes off me and that made me a little uncomfortable. As if she knew, Freen interlocked our hands as we walked to the table where Heng is. Maybe it's just in my head but everybody here is acting strange? Some kept stuttering as they introduced themselves to me.

"This is Nop my husband" Heng introduced the young man sitting beside him.

I smiled and stretched my hand for a handshake. He nervously took my hand. He's smiling but I can see tears in his eyes. Heng separated our hands because his husband is finding it difficult to do so.

"Meet Irin..." Freen introduced.

"Irin?" I mumbled.

They looked at each other in surprise. That name 'Irin' sounds very familiar. Not just the name but the face as well. I don't remember where I know her from but I have this feeling that I have met her before.

"Do you know her?" Freen asked curiously.

"I'm not sure."

"Hello Irin" I said smiling while stretching my hand but she didn't take my hand, instead she hugged me tightly.

"I am so happy to see you" she said getting emotional.

After a while she parted us and dried her tears with a tissue paper. I have no idea what's going on but I feel like I am in the midst of people that truly love me. The way they welcome me warmly, makes me feel loved. Like I am not a stranger to them at all.

"Come I will introduce you to my dad" Freen said interlocking our fingers again.

Her dad? My heart skipped. Did she say her dad? I became nervous instantly. I am going to meet Freen's dad? The father of the woman I love so much?

"Hello dad" Freen walked to a man in his late 60s sitting together with people of his age.

Her father stood up as soon as he saw me. Why am I getting this very reaction from all of them? He smiled at me and hugged me before I could say anything. I am dead shocked. I wasn't expecting that at all. Why did he do that? Did he forget what his daughter's girlfriend looks like and mistook me for her?

"I am glad you made it to the part my lovely girl" he said.

I looked at Freen who is smiling from ear to ear. My dad had never been so soft to me like this. I can't remember the last time he hugged me like this. I closed my eyes and relaxed my nerves.

"You're finally here Freen" a lady's voice spoke behind us and we turned.

My eyes widened when I saw her. That's Freen's girlfriend. Gosh! Why did I completely forget about her? I must have forgotten she definitely would be present in such a family event. She looks more beautiful in person and when standing closer. I was happy few seconds ago but now I am sad.

She walked to Freen and hugged her. I felt a sharp pain in my heart but I covered it all with a smile. I mean what right do I have to be angry over that? She's her girlfriend and she has the right to hug her anywhere and anytime.

She started adjusting Freen's dress but Freen held her hand, stopping her from going further. It was then that she turned to me. And just like every other person, she looked surprised to see me.

I want to smile but the smiles are not coming out. I feel guilty for falling in love with her girlfriend. I feel like the other woman who wants to break a happy couple. This is all a mistake. I should have known.

"Hello. I am Liliana." She said smiling and stretching her hand for a handshake.

I faked a smile and took her hand. I feel so sad right now. What was I thinking when I agreed to come here? I looked at Freen, our eyes met but I immediately looked away. I tend to get lost in her eyes and I can't be like that anymore infront of her girlfriend.

"Come my dear, let's go to the table" Mr. Chankimha said holding me in the hand.

Why is he sweet to me instead of Liliana? He's supposed to act like this to his soon-to-be daughter in-law not to me. We walked to the long dinner table and he made me sit closer to him. Freen is sitting directly opposite me. While her girlfriend is sitting next to her.

"Try this" Mr. Chankimha said putting some food on my plate and I smiled.

"You will also like this" he continued.

I am already in love with him. He is so good to me. He doesn't let me do anything and he serves me whatever I wish to eat.

The discussion at the table got more intense and everyone seemed really interested in it. I was quiet the whole time, just listening and laughing at their jokes, and stealing glances at Freen. It seems to me that she's also doing the same because I can't keep counts of how many times our eyes met.

"No Becky can't eat that. It's spicy" Freen immediately stopped someone from serving a spicy food to me.

I smiled and looked at her. That's so sweet of her. She still pays attention to my needs even though she's with her girlfriend who is clinging around her.

"Freen eat this. It's delicious" Liliana said trying to feed her some food but Freen rejected it.

She persisted until Freen gave in. She fed Freen the food and dished some on her plate to eat as well. Touching Freen wherever she gets the chance to. I don't know why but I feel like slapping her hand off Freen. I know she's her girlfriend, why rub it on my face??

Liliana suddenly kissed Freen on the shoulder getting me more upset. I dropped my spoon instantly and took my water in one gulp. It hurts more than I can imagine especially since Freen is comfortable with it. This girl kept pestering Freen as if she can't stay a second without touching her. I got more irritated with the view that it started suffocating me, so I excused myself out of the hall.

Why does it hurt so much seeing them together? I can't explain the pain in my heart. My heart is shattered into pieces that my tears started falling down my cheeks. I had plans of confessing to her tonight, do I still have to do that?

"Becky?" A familiar voice spoke behind me.

That's Freen's voice, I quickly turned to her. I wiped my tears when she started walking to me. But she already noticed my mood. She walked to me and took my cheeks in her hands.

"What's wrong Becky?" She asked worriedly.

I tried pulling away but she held me tighter and just then, I looked straight into her worried eyes. My tears started falling again. More than it ever was. And that got her more worried.

To be continued..........

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