Chapter 5 - Part 7 (Book 1 - Fantasy World)

Start from the beginning

"Are those students bringing in monsters?" Han asked, pointing at students pushing long carts with monsters whose size could rival lions and bears stacked on top.

The guide looked at Han and saw where he was pointing. Then, seeing the students, the guide nodded and said, "As mentioned, we provide opportunities for our students to become adventurers by signing up with the Adventurer's Guild. Since the main location for the Adventurer's Guild is inside the Tower, at least within the Academy, many students bring the monsters they hunt here. This also makes it convenient for them to take care of other matters that need to be handled here as well."

Han observed the monsters, some of which were massive insects and one that appeared to be a sizeable wolf. He switched his focus back to the student, raising an eyebrow and impressed that they were able to push a cart that had close to a thousand pounds, if not more, on top. Seeing the expression on their faces, the students were like independent contractors returning from a project they had completed.

There was an air of confidence that emanated from them. It wasn't difficult to see that they were individuals who were used to hunting down creatures that the average human on Earth would find terrifying. Just seeing the colossal insect and the wolf that likely reached an average person's shoulders, they were monsters that only specialized individuals could handle. Such beings would simply devour anyone from Earth that crossed their path as conveniently as a student were to eat crisps while studying in a library.

"I can sense some kind of energy from those things," Han felt something in the air.

Concentrating on the flow of energy, Han's eyes widened slightly, connecting what he felt with the monsters on the cart as the students walked into the Tower.

Raising a hand to his temple, a part of his mind felt as though it was remembering something he had seen in a dream, causing him to try to force his mind to release the information. But just like with a dream, whatever thought that had left a spark soon faded as quickly as mist.

"My Lord?" The guide focused on Han, an eyebrow raised from curiosity. Still, his mouth sealed, not wanting to intrude into the territory of someone as high up in the nobility as Han.

Waving a hand in front of his face as though brushing aside the thought, Han chuckled, "I must have imagined something."

While Brittany stuck close to Han and didn't seem to find her Master's words strange, Helania and Queen said nothing but merely watched their Master.

Queen glanced towards Helania, who met the undead woman's gaze before slightly shaking her head.

Unaware of the unspoken words between two of his creations, Han tried to ignore the feeling as though his thought was on the tip of his tongue. Han sighed before nodding to the guide.

The guide moved towards the nearest door, pulling one of them open before waving for Han and his companions to enter the Tower. There was a glimmer of pride on the guide's face as he waited for them to walk through the door to see what was inside.

Seeing the confidence in the guide, Han chuckled. Even without seeing the interior and only seeing the Tower from the outside, it wasn't difficult to imagine that what was inside would be wondrous for not only the average individual but even for those who lived inside their individual jeweled lives. But, Han supposed that it would be rude towards the guide who had treated them with such respect, much of it likely genuine and not out of responsibility.

Even Brittany hadn't made any snide comments. Instead, she treated the experience as a child getting to experience the movie theater for the first time as she entered through the door.

A single word came to Han's mind upon entering the Tower. Huge. Even though he knew that the awe-inspiring structure was massive, some of him didn't fully embrace the idea due to his biases against what he knew humans could create. But the thought engulfing his consciousness was the equivalent of standing inside a park and staring at a majestic scenery. Despite the countless students entering the building, Han merely stared at the empty space above them. The corner of his lips raised unconsciously as he took in the sight of the interior.

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