Chapter 3: Together We Stand

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I sit on a desk near Trianna's bed. The sky warms up as the sun rises.

I go through the night's events in my head; the marching trees, the destroyed police station. Why did it happen, and what does the mysterious girl with the multicolored eyes have to do with it all?

The trees had made that terrible sound, but as soon as they collapsed the building, they stopped moving and humming. Also, the root grabbed the girl after she was exhausted and hurt. The girl had almost looked surprised when it did, too.

It was as if the forest and the girl were working together to achieve something.

What on earth could it be?


I jump in my desk. I hadn't even realized I had closed my eyes and was dozing off.

Laila's brown eyes are staring at me. Like usual, she wears a hoodie and has her multicolored backpack at her side. She's sitting in a desk on the other side of Trianna's bed. She puts her feet up on Trianna's nightstand.

"Sorry, dozed off," I mutter, sitting a little straighter.

"I don't blame you."

"When did you come in here?" I take a look at my watch. 7:04 a.m..

"Ah, maybe a minute ago," Laila looks around. Trianna's room is empty for the most part. Books, memos and stuffed animals make up most of her belongings. All is sorted and carefully placed in the classroom's drawers and shelves. On her nightstand lies a book titled Nature's Fury, a water bottle and -currently- Laila's feet.

"Quite a coincidence, ain't it," Laila motions toward the book. "The name."

"You don't say."

Laila frowns, then starts fixing her hair.

Why is Laila here? I think, she has never really liked Trianna.

I open my mouth to ask, when Vulpos enters the room. His dark hair is covering his left eye. Looking at him makes me think of one word, "edgy". In his right hand he holds a stack of papers. In his left he grasps an apple. Gliding over to the bedside, his face keeps the same expression of purpose and determination.

He looks down at Trianna. Her expressionless face points up at the ceiling. Though her eyes are closed in sleep, they appear heavy with exhaustion. Her long brown hair is messily covering her pillow, while her arms lie still by her sides.

Vulpos turns toward Laila, "Remove your feet from her nightstand."

Laila raises an eyebrow. After a second, she takes her feet off.

Without a word, Vulpos carefully sets the papers down where Laila's feet were, and lays the apple on top.

Then, as quietly as he came, he glides out the door into the hallway.

Laila and I stare at the door for a moment. We both look at each other.

"What a strange dude," Laila shrugs. "Almost as weird as you."

I roll my eyes, folding my arms.

"I wonder what the papers say," She chuckles, "Do you think it's a love note or something?" She stands and turns to the papers.

"You should stop talking so loud," I whisper sharply back.

"'Kay, Andy," Laila removes the apple from the top of the stack, and starts sifting through the papers.

"Laila, why are you even here?" I unfold my arms, shaking my head. My voice was lowered in slight annoyance.

Laila looks up from the papers. Her mouth opens slightly.

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