Chapter 11 ~ Camera surprise

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Shumai started getting tired of all the beds we had for him and used anything else that looked comfortable.

He sat on chairs, couches and more. So me and my family were trying to find security camera's all around the house that could watch Shumai and get him to stop sleeping on couches and chairs. The only one we could find was really great! You could talk to your dog, see your dog and even push a button to give him a treat!

This all seemed great but the price wasn't so great so this lead us to just get a $3 app that would be just as great. This saved us $97! But, the app did not give Shumai a treat but we would take what we can get.

My mom had an iPad and an iPhone so we just took the app and shared it between each device and then we saw Shumai's cute face. So we looked on the iPhone to see what he was doing. He was only in the other room but it was fun any way. With in 15 minutes we saw Shumai sit on a chair! We new if nobody was around him he would do that.

We said "no" through the iPad, and he didn't even care. He looked tired. We went into the room and took him off the chair. But with this process of looking if he is going on the chair or not he would often go somewhere around the camera. He looked like he was smart enough to know that the camera is watching him so he needs to go to a chair some where else.

We only had two devices so nothing worked. But, even if we got anything else Shumai would not listen to us and he would just sit there anyway. So nothing really helped Shumai with his problem of sitting on chairs and couches. No matter how many times we said "no"!

We did use the security iPad camera every now and then to make sure he was safe. Even if he was on a chair, we knew he was safe.

He got a lot older and it was already his 4th birthday. I mean everybody gets older at some point! For his birthdays we usually gave him treats and tried to help him unwrap the gifts we got him. He doesn't usually try to unwrap his presents, unless it had treats or food inside it. But when it was open he loved his present. At least I assumed because he would play/eat it for a while.

We try to treat his birthday like any other birthday. But whatever food or treat we get him we can't eat. So it's like a buffet just for him. It was pretty easy to get Shumai a gift too. I mean you could get him a bone and he would love it. You could get him a bouncy ball and he would love it. You could get him a chew toy and he would love it. So he loves everything pretty much. It was only hard to find food he liked because Shumai was very picky. But, he usually ends up enjoying it.

I started seeing him get super big. Like in size, but his weight too. I soon realized that he is actually 28! I'm glad I don't age that fast, because right now I would be 91! But, what I don't understand is who made up this age per year thing, that determines how old dogs are actually in human years. Anyways, I guess it's because they are not humans.

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