Chapter 4 ~ The Park

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I love the park. Fresh air, exercise, nature, and more. But I think Shumai loves the park more than me. Whenever anybody would say to Shumai, "Do you want to go the park", or "Do you want to go on a walk?" Shumai would usually respond by turning his head to the side and running to his collar and the door to go. He also would wagged his tail, and had what looked like a massive smile on his little face.

I hated when people would tell Shumai if he wanted to go on a walk, or to the park just to tease him. I got so annoyed with them, unless they had a good reason.

When we did go to the park with Shumai, he would almost skip/jog throughout the walk. He also would not be a slow walker. Shumai usually walked pretty fast every now and then. I'm pretty sure he did this so he could see all the trees, and signs, and more stuff that dogs find super interesting! But he mainly loved the fresh air, and to get outside. Whoever is walking him usually loves it too. My mom walks him most of the time, but when I did walk him it was fun because I loved how Shumai walked throughout the whole time.

With the park comes other responsibilities. For instance, another dog. Shumai was NEVER friendly with other dogs. He would start going crazy for some reason. But, I didn't really mind if he did go crazy. My
mom probably got most annoyed with that problem because she was holding his leash. My mom took Shumai on a walk at least 2x a week. She always loved making Shumai happy and healthy, it made us happy too! At least it did for me.

When we got home Shumai ran towards his water bowl. Then he would run right towards the air conditioning, if he was still hot. I would usually get water too. Then me and him would sit and relax wherever we wanted to go. I usually went on this brown small chair. He would usually lay on the side of the chair as well, or on his dog bed somewhere upstairs.

The next day I had to go to school. It was the same routine when I left.
1: Hug Shumai goodbye
2: Get on the bus.
Shumai pretty much had the same routine.
1: Hug me goodbye.
2. Then go outside.

I loved watching Shumai at the glass door everyday. I was always there for him, and he was always there for me.

But, when I got home it usually went a little something like this.
1. Let Shumai outside.
2. Make Shumai an egg (or give him a piece of cheese).
3. Sit and relax with him.

Then on the weekends my mom usually went to the park with him. That's because everybody is so busy during the week. At least Shumai always got his daily exercise, if that's a thing!

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