Chapter 7 ~ Nightmare

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I woke up, and it was a school day. I was about 8 years old and I was heading to my closet to get some clothes on for school. I had no idea what had happened when I went on my school bus. My school bus was number 63 and it would always come at 8, or later. I loved my bus driver. She was an awesome bus driver because she gave me candy on Fridays. She also told our bus funny stories. But, I already know what you're thinking, "You shouldn't take candy from strangers?" Yes, this is true, but I never got sick from a lollipop she gave me.

Anyway, I walked down to my school bus and just sat and talked to my friends. I didn't even notice what my sister Lauren had done. After a long boring day of school, I came home and noticed something had happened to Shumai. Shumai was lying down on a blanket, breathing heavily. My mom said to me, "Lauren by accident let Shumai out the front door in the morning, and there happened to be a dog walking by. You know how bad Shumai is at socializing with other dogs. Shumai ran to this big dog, and the dog bit his leg pretty bad." I looked over at his leg and found a giant bloody hole on it. It was so bad, you could see his bone.

After being disgusted, I became sad of what had happened, and how stupid my sister was to open our front door, when Shumai was standing right there.

My mom and dad had to take him to the pet hospital. I hate it there. There are so many sad animals/pets there. I didn't go with my parents when they brought Shumai to the hospital, but I assumed what happened was the doctor checked out what happened, and gave him a few tests.

After what felt like a week, my parents came back home and Shumai couldn't walk. My dad had to carry him over to his bed. This was a rough time because me and my family didn't know if he was infected with anything or even survive. I thought Shumai would stay alive because he is a fighter.

The next day went by very slow. I went to school, I came home, then I checked on Shumai, and I went to soccer practice. I remember very clearly coming home from soccer practice and seeing Shumai in the same spot all day.
Day after day, week after week, Shumai was in that same spot. After a while Shumai wouldn't even eat.

I soon noticed that dog that bit Shumai was owned by a guy that was on my bus. He was so annoying. I remember him sitting in the back seats of my bus. I found out his address and knew if I wanted to get revenge I could always go there. I'm just kidding, I know two wrongs don't make a right. But I still hated him, and I'm pretty sure he wasn't even mean. I just hated his dog honestly.

We then started to get security camera's and signs that said, "No pets allowed on the lawn," and "We have camera's." This helped a lot with the dog issue.

Shumai was still in that same area for so long that he didn't eat. We tried to feed him and he still wouldn't eat. We even tried to give him treats and it didn't work. The only thing he ate was cheese. But not much of it. This was a very sad moment for me and my family to go through.

Thankfully, he did get better with in a few months. I was very excited to see Shumai try to eat and walk again. It was one of the happiest moments I've had in my life.

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