Chapter 3 ~ Treats

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I woke up one day and Shumai needed a bath. Shumai is awful at baths. He tries to jump or run out of the sink. Eventually he went in a tub, but no matter what, he hated it. I don't know why dogs have such a big problem with water. I love water, mostly because without it I wouldn't be living. But, dogs hate water. This is expecially when they don't spend time drinking it. Same with brushing their teeth, or cutting there nails. Shumai got better the more we cut his nails or brushed his teeth. The only thing Shumai didn't get over is baths. I guess the water made their thick coat of fur get cold or something. At least he smelled clean by the end of it!

When school started, and I left for school I always saw Shumai looking at me, almost as if he was saying goodbye to me through a glass door. Also it was like he was saying "Have a good day!" I said goodbye to him as well, everyday. That was our way of letting each other know we were ok, and to have a good day. Everyday when I got home he also would be looking at me through the same glass door, and he almost would be jumping on the door. This is because he wanted to see me so bad. I wanted to see him really bad too! I would run to the door, and Shumai would jump on me and wag his tail, and he would always look very happy. It was sort of his way of saying, "WELCOME HOME!!!" Then I did my homework and the usual school stuff, when your in 2nd grade. But when I finished I played with him, or did something with him. We had a very strong bond.

I would sometimes try to teach him tricks. One of my tricks was, Shumai had to get a treat. I showed him the treat, then I closed my hand, put it behind my back, and then show him my hands again. He had to guess what hand the treat was in. This was easy for him because dogs have better senses then humans, so he could smell which hand I had it in. He always got it right. It was not only fun for him, but it was also fun for me, because I got to spend more time with him.

Throughout holidays, or fun occasions, I've always hated the idea of dressing up any type of pet, especially dogs. But, I did it for a quick minute throughout holidays. Ok, let's be real, it was not a minute, but this was only because we got the cutest pictures of Shumai. I remember one time we dressed Shumai up in a Sombrero. Me and my mom did not only dress him up, but we also set the scene behind him. So when Shumai was wearing a sombrero, we put posters, and things that went with the holiday. Me and my mom did not only dress him up in a sombrero. We also put bunny ears on him, a Santa hat, and much more for every holiday. I know what your thinking, WHY WOULD YOU DRESS UP YOUR DOG! Well, I did it because he looked festive for holidays. Plus, it made for great Christmas cards, Instagram pictures and Facebook posts! I felt a little bad, but I'm glad I did it because it's was worth the photos.

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