Chapter 6 ~ Piano dog

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Instruments of any kind, can make somebody feel like they are going on an awesome adventure. I love playing the piano. Although I might not be as good as some of my friends, I still love playing it. I just love the way the keys feel, and how the music sound. Shumai was the same. Whenever I was playing on my keyboard, Shumai would stay in my room and maybe sleep next to me.

After a while I became better and better at the keyboard. I also started taking lessons for piano. I know piano and keyboards are different, but I still wanted to learn piano. After a lot of lessons, I started to make up songs. One time I made an Easter song and lyrics. It was bad, but I tried!

But, when my sister wanted to start learning keyboard or piano too, it got kind of crazy. That's why one year for Christmas my parents got me and my sister got a Baby Grand Piano! I was so thrilled! I played for as long as I could. There were more keys and the sound every key made sounded better.

You might be wondering, "What does this have to do with Shumai?" I'll tell you, Shumai is a piano dog. He is in love with hearing me or my sister play piano. No matter what, when me or my sister play piano, Shumai would come over and just stand, sit, or lay under the piano, or by our side. It looked like the music we played made him go into a wonderful nap. He loved listening to it so much that when he came over to hear the piano better, he would run!

Later on I quit piano lessons. I don't know why I did, but I just did. But, you know the saying, "Everything happens for a reason." This saying is true. I'm glad I quit piano lessons because this caused me to learn the piano better. I don't know why I was sounding better on piano then with the lessons, but I did.

YouTube videos honestly can do anything. Every time I go on the piano I just pop up a YouTube video that teaches me a song I love. Then I can play the whole begging of that song with in 30 min. If I really tried hard on learning that song then, it takes me 10 min.

My best song I've played before piano lessons was, Adele "Someone like you." I still play it, and it sounds way better on the Baby Grand Piano. This was what looked like the number one song Shumai loved. When I played it, he seemed to really enjoy it and he looked very relaxed. But that was the same way Shumai reacted with all the songs I played.

If Shumai was a human, he would probably be the best piano player ever. I could just tell by how he reacts when me or my sister play piano.

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