|36|: Shattered/ پاش پاش

Start from the beginning

"Kis bat ki itni jaldi hai?"
(Why are you in such a rush)

He stopped in his tracks upon hearing his grandmother and passed her a sheepish smile. She grinned and patted him on the head when he leaned down.

"Allah tum dono ko khush rakhe."
(May Allah keeps both of you happy)

Pressing a quick kiss on his grandmother's forehand, he took the stairs. Finally reaching thier room, he opened the door and there she was. Sitting on the sofa while reading her book. He quietly shut the door, but she noticed him. Her eyes darted to the bag in his hand and it has him muttering

"For you."

Forwarding the bag to her, she took it and a smile danced on her features. Taking out the shiny bangles, she instantly opened the silver one and wore it. The chan chan echoed and she smiled so loud at him that his heart jumped in his chest. She jumped in his arms and murmured

"Thank you so much." His arms wrapped tightly around her and he kissed the side of her head. She pulled back and said

"I'll keep the rest in the closet."

He nodded while she walked to the closet. He shrugged his coat off and unstrapped his watch. Walking to the dresser, he dropped his watch by mistake and leaned down to grab it when he found something shining. Frowning, he picked it up and found an earring. Thinking it must be Safa's he placed it down but then it dawned on him.

It looks familiar.

He looked closely at it until it finally clicked.

It's the same design as the ring found in his brother's car.

Instantly dread washed over him as the possibility ran in his mind. Not wanting to jump to any assumptions or conclusions, he quickly pulled out his phone and opened the picture he took of the evidence.

The ground slipped beneath his feet when the ring and earring matched each other perfectly. Shaking his head, he pocketed his phone again, not wanting to believe what he saw.

"What's wrong?"

He snapped his head in her direction and saw the worry lining over her features. Gulping, he showed the earring to her and asked

"Is this yours?"

He was impatient and his heart was beating at an abnormal pace, but he managed to stay calm awaiting her answer.

"It is."

He let out a sigh and turned around, wanting it nothing but a joke. A nightmare he'll wake up soon from. He felt her coming closer before he felt her touch his shoulder

"What's wrong?" She asked again. Worry was coating her voice. He took out his phone and showed the image to her.

"Is this yours?"

His voice turned grave and he turned to face her. Betrayal marred his form when he saw the expression on her face.

It was of familiarization.

"Damn it."

Shouting, he banged his hand on the table that has her flinching. She cowered back and tears immediately leaked out of her eyes.

"I...I can...explain."

She said. Gripping at her emotions, she said in a much raised voice

"I can explain."

His breaths were exploding and rage and betrayal was pinning his form.


Tears of agony left Safa's eyes when she acknowledged the pain and heartbreak in his voice.


She gulped trying to keep her emotions at bay and started again

"He was dropping me home from university when...."

She heaved in a large breath. She looked at him but he was still facing his back to hers. Again emotions clogged her, but she sniffed and started speaking again

"Cars chased us. At one point....he told me to go...he told me to run away....and so I did."

"You ran away?"

She closed her eyes when she felt his anger. She moved to touch him, but he pulled back and that gutted her. Moving to her previous position, she wrapped arms around her mid portion. Trying to be small.

"I ran....but I heard a gun shot. I...I was scared...so scared that something happened to him....but I lost my conscious and next time I woke up, I was already home and he was gone."

She took in a struggling breath and glanced at him. He was gazing her, but he wasn't looking at her. His gaze was hard and everything she felt unknown. And she felt this paralyzing fear that shook her to the core. The fear of losing him.

"I'm sorry." She muttered as tears gathered in her eyes again, freely falling down her already wet cheeks.

"I didn't know.... I'm sorry. I should've helped.... I'm so sorry." She repeated those words again and again, but he didn't say anything. Dropping her head low, she cried.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

After a long moment, she heard his voice. Glancing at him, she still find him not looking at her.

"I was going to. In fact, I was going to tell you tonight. I swear. I'm sorry. I should've said something sooner. I'm so sorry."

She again apologized, but he wasn't here. Physically, but not mentally. She tested her boundaries and stepped close to him. This time, he lets her. Keeping a trembling hand to his cheek, her heart broke and a sob break through her lips when she find them wet. Wiping his tears, she plead

"Please forgive me. I didn't intend to hide it. Please forgive me."

Placing her forehead on his chest, she wept silently. She wanted to feel his arms around her. She wanted to feel the intensity of his gaze as he looks at her, but now she felt empty and hollow like all life has been sucked out of her. Moments escaped and when she finally felt him move, her hopes shattered again when he pulled away from her slowly and quietly left the room.

A broken cry left her lips and she staggered to the ground. She pulled her knees to her chest and started to sob. This was not how she thought the night would go. She intended to tell him, but fate played a trick on her.

Lies can never stay hidden for too long.

Truer words have never be said. Same goes for the secrets. It can be delayed, but can't be hidden forever. Slamming her hand on the ground, she hissed when the bangles broke and the pieces dug in her skin. Her blurry eyes made it difficult for her to see anything, but she managed to see the broken pieces of glasses around her.

That's how he's feeling, Safa. Shattered. Broken and Damaged.

You did this Safa. That man loved you and you repaid him like this!

You really are a coward. One that deserves no forgiveness. You did this.

You broke him.

You destroyed him.

You killed your own husband who has been nothing but loving and kind to you.


She slumped to the floor, keeping her hands tightly on her ears to drown out the voices.

But it didn't work.

The voices keep coming.
Tears keep leaking
Shame and Guilt overpowered her until she was feeling disgusted by her own self. Nothing helped. She was in this abyss alone. Alone to fight, alone to die.

You broke him, Safa!

Asalamoaliukm everyone.
Here's the most awaited chapter. It's a sad one too. I feel bad for Safa.
Did Subhan overreact or were his actions justified?
Enjoy the update.
Till the next update,
Allah Hafiz.

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