Chapter 24

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"I already tuned the ones on this side, right?" Makaira, currently in the process of tuning a violin, turns her attention to another set of instruments on the other side of the room.

"Yes, darling." Yoongi reassures her.

Makaira always goes a little haywire on concert day, but this one is more nerve-wracking than her previous ones. Not only are they performing a song that she has a strong emotional attachment to, they also have a piano accompaniment for the first time. There's a lot of things that could go wrong, both with the students and with Makaira herself.

Deep in thought, Makaira turns the peg too hard and makes the string snap. "Fuck." She grunts, setting the violin down in her lap and resting her head in her hands.

"Hey, why don't we take a coffee break?" Yoongi suggests, putting a gentle hand on her shoulder. "You've been doing nothing but tuning instruments for the past hour, I know your hands probably hurt."

He's right, they do hurt. And although her inner perfectionist won't be satisfied until she checks every single instrument, she knows she needs a break for her own sanity.

"Okay fine." She relents.

And that's how they end up at a quaint diner a couple blocks away from the school. As they are seated in a small booth in a corner, Makaira finds herself looking outside of the window. At the sky in particular.

She always hopes her sister is watching over her. But today, she really needs her strength and guidance.

"What are you thinking about?" Yoongi hums, reaching for her hand across the table.

She lets him hold it, appreciating the comforting feeling it provides.

"Everything." She offers him a weak smile. "Concert day is always a lot for me, but this one is special."

"Just remember how hard you worked for this." He gives her hand a squeeze. "And if you get nervous, just remember I'll be right up there with you."

That's right. Her soulmate, her partner in crime, will be just a few feet away. For all the things that make this concert extra stressful, this one fact makes her feel a bit better.

"Thank you." A grateful smile graces her lips.

"You're welcome, darling." He grins back. "By the way, do you have the link for the livestream? All the guys and girls are getting together to watch it tonight."

Yoongi says it so casually, but the words themselves make her heart soften. "Wait, seriously? They're all gonna watch the concert?"

"Yeah." He nods, chuckling in adoration when he sees how touched she is. "They want to show their support."

"Stop, I'm gonna cry." Makaira starts fanning herself, making Yoongi laugh even more.

In that moment, she can't even fathom why she was so nervous in the first place. Not only will she have Yoongi on the stage with her, while Hiro and her parents watch from the audience, she'll also have the Bangtan family cheering her on from home.

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