Chapter 9

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"M-Makaira, it's Hiroshi! He's bleeding!"

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"M-Makaira, it's Hiroshi! He's bleeding!"

As soon as she recognizes the voice as Chaewon's, Dari's mother, she abruptly stands up from the piano bench. "Bleeding?" She repeats with wide eyes. "What happened? Is he okay?"

"I don't know! He fell and his knee is all scraped up, he's bleeding a lot. Just please, hurry up and get here."

"Okay, okay, I'm on my way." Makaira quickly hangs up the phone, turning to Yoongi. She's trying her best to stay calm, knowing that freaking out won't be helpful for anyone. "Hiro is hurt, can you drive me to go pick him up?"

"Yeah, of course." Yoongi nods. He quickly stands up and follows her out of the sunroom. When they make it to the kitchen area, everyone turns to look at them.

"Where have you two been?" Seokjin raises an eyebrow.

"Yeah, we were just about to send a search party for you." Hoseok chuckles.

"I'm really sorry guys but I have to go, I need to pick up my kid. It was really nice meeting you all, though." She says quickly, yet apologetically.

"Kid?" Jimin repeats, his eyes going wide.

Meanwhile, Skye chokes on the glass of juice she's drinking. Jungkook curses under his breath, patting her back.

"He's not my biological son, but I adopted him so technically he's my kid but in reality he's my..I'll explain later." She bows quickly before grabbing Yoongi's hand and dragging him towards the door. "Bye everyone!"

Once they get in the car, Yoongi begins to drive while Makaira puts her friend's address into her GPS. She also holds Yoongi's hand very tightly.

Even though Makaira didn't give birth to Hiroshi, the two of them have a very strong bond. She raised him since the day he was born, waking up every couple of hours to feed him and then rocking him to sleep. She was there for his first steps, first words, and everything in between.

She's the closest thing he has to a mother so the mere thought of him being hurt is enough to make her heart ache.

"It's right here." When Yoongi arrives on the correct street, she points out the house Hiroshi was dropped off at this morning.

As soon as the car comes to a stop, Makaira jumps out and heads straight to the backyard where she knows they were probably playing.

"Oh thank goodness, you're here." Chaewon stands up from her crouched position next to the little boy when she sees the arrival of her friend.

Makaira's gaze instantly lands on Hiroshi, who is sitting on the concrete and holding his right knee. Sure enough, his knee is covered with blood but not nearly as much as she expected to see. She's so relieved.

"Oh, Hiro.." She coos, coming closer to the little boy. Now she can see the redness of his face and the tears that trail down his cheeks.

"Mika, it hurts." He sniffles.

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