Chapter 25

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"That steak was so good, it's about to put me to sleep." Makaira groans.

She then stumbles through the doorway, making both Yoongi and Hiro laugh at her clumsiness.

"Darling, are you sure it's the steak and not the wine?" Yoongi raises an eyebrow at her.

"Yah, I had one glass." She shoots her soulmate a playful glare as she takes off her shoes. Then she looks down at her phone, taking note of the time before turning to Hiro. "Honey, why don't you head upstairs and shower? We'll come tuck you in when you're done."

"Okay." He chirps, about to head upstairs when Yoongi interrupts.

"Wait! I, um, I actually wanted to show both of you something."

Makaira turns to him with furrowed eyebrows. He just took them out for dinner, so she has no idea what he has up his sleeve.

But now that she thinks about it, he was acting a little strange tonight. Checking his phone more than usual.

"Okay.." She replies warily. "..what is it?"

"Follow me." Yoongi grins, walking further into the house. He stops in the doorway of the music room, stepping aside so Makaira can enter first.

She starts to walk in, but then what she sees makes her stop dead in her tracks. "No fucking way."

For once, Hiroshi doesn't comment on the use of a cuss word. Instead, he rushes into the room excitedly. "A piano!"

That's right. It's that beautiful glossy Steinway piano. The same one that both her and Yoongi admired through the window of the music store, but he beat her to it. The same one that, as far as Makaira's knowledge, should be at the Bangtan house.

That same one is sitting in her music room right now.

"Oppa, I can't." Makaira says weakly, still not believing her eyes. "I can't accept this."

Yoongi chuckles, an endearing look in his eyes. "You were ready to fight me for it that day and now you can't accept it?"

"I mean yeah, I was, but I lost. It's yours." She reasons.

"No, it's yours, Makaira." Says Yoongi matter-of-factly. "It belongs here in this house with you. For you to play it, for your sister to hear it, for Hiro to learn with it. It's yours."

Makaira is at a loss of words. So instead of saying anything, she pulls him into a hug. "Thank you." She manages to whisper in his ear.

"You're welcome." He whispers back.

As they embrace each other, they hear Hiro plunking random keys on the piano.

"He sounds like he's ready for his first lesson." Yoongi says, his tone filled with amusement.

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