Chapter 5

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"Min Yoongi?" Makaira mumbles, still not believing her eyes

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"Min Yoongi?" Makaira mumbles, still not believing her eyes. Or her ears, apparently. "As in, that rapper guy from BTS?"

"Yes, that would be me." He crosses his arms much like he did the first time they met.

"So you're an idol and a jerk. Go figure."

He clenches his jaw. "Listen, I'm not just gonna stand here and let you talk shi-"

"Hiro, can you go play in your room, please?" Makaira interrupts. "The adults need to talk."

"Okay." The boy nods, leaving the room and going upstairs.

Once she hears the door close, she turns her attention back to Yoongi, who seems very annoyed at the moment. "Don't curse in front of my kid."

He takes a deep breath before speaking again. "Can we just call a truce for now? I really don't have the energy to argue with you."

Makaira stares at him for a moment. He's pale and shaking a bit, so he's probably hurting as bad as she is. They could both use some relief right now. "Fine, for now." She struggles to sit upright on the couch, making room for him. "Come, give me your hand."

Yoongi obliges, taking a seat next to her and reluctantly grabbing her hand. They both sigh in relief when a surge of energy flows into their bodies. It's not like a switch flipped and made them completely better again, but they can feel themselves improving little by little.

"Your hand is cold." She comments softly, lacing their fingers together.

"Yeah, that's because I've been freezing all day." He scoffs, looking down at his lap. "Your hand is the opposite, it's really warm."

"Well..I've had a fever all day." Makaira speaks slowly, staring at the side of his face as an idea hits her.

"What?" Yoongi seems to feel her gaze on him, looking up to meet her eyes.

"I have an idea."

"Whatever it is, no."

"I thought you wanted a truce!" She protests.

He sighs heavily, shutting his eyes for a moment before opening them. "Fine, what's your genius idea?"

"Let's cuddle."

His eyebrows shoot up. "Are you out of your damn mind?"

"You're cold and I'm hot, we're exactly what the other person needs." She reasons. "Trust me, I don't want to cuddle with you either but it will make us feel better faster."

Yoongi shakes his head. "I barely even cuddle with my band members, let alone a complete stranger."

"Okay, fine. Have it your way." She huffs, turning her attention towards the TV.

"I will." He mumbles in response.

They sit quietly, still holding hands. And out of the corner of her eye, Makaira can see him still shaking a little.

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