Super Sweethearts- Elastigirl (Incredibles)

Start from the beginning

He placed his arm around her waist and led her inside. Once they were seated and had their drinks, Helen sighed. "This is so nice."

"I know, I can't imagine a better way to spend the night," Y/N agreed.

Helen got a mischievous look on her face. "I can. But that comes later. For now, let's talk. I feel like we haven't done that in a while."

Y/N nodded. "Do you remember when being a hero was fun? Back when we first met and started dating?"

Helen smiled at the memory. "Yeah. Yeah, I do. We both rushed to the scene for a bank robbery. We stopped it together. You were incredible. As soon as I saw you webbing up those crooks, I knew I was in love."

Y/N grinned and glanced down at his wrists, where he could shoot webs made of a natural fluid his body secreted after a radioactive spider had bitten him. "And then there was you, blocking the exit and ensuring that anyone who tried to escape got a punch they'll never forget."

They both laughed and Helen's gaze drifted off to seemingly nowhere as she immersed herself in the memory. "But do you know what was really nice about that day? The cops congratulated us and appreciated us for helping them catch the bad guys. They loved us. What happened?"

Y/N shrugged. "People thought we were dangerous. They thought we caused more problems than we prevented. But I think the only problem you had, Helen, is that you were too hot to handle."

Helen nearly spit out her water as she busted out laughing. "Shut up, Y/N, you know it was more serious than that."

Y/N admired Helen's smile for a moment. "Yeah, yeah, I know, I know. It's a shame we were outlawed, huh? It's not fair."

"Oh! I was actually reading something in the paper this morning that I completely forgot to tell you! It slipped my mind!" Helen told Y/N excitedly. "I saw an article about how this guy, Winston Deavor, wants to help supers like us. It said something about a treaty or contract or something he's drawing up. But there wasn't much on it."

"But that means there's still hope for us, Helen!" Y/N said excitedly. "No more having to hide! We can show the kids that the world doesn't hate them! It would be amazing."

Helen sighed. "I love your enthusiasm honey, but don't get too excited. I don't want you to be disappointed if the movement doesn't follow through."

Y/N shook his head. "But think about it though, just imagine! My parents... my uncle... they'd all have a reason to be proud of me again." He blinked away a few tears at the thought of his dead guardians.

Helen reached across the table and grabbed his hands. "They'd be proud of you regardless," she assured him. "I know I am."

Y/N smiled softly. "If heroes are legalized again, what would we do?"

This proceeded to be what most of their conversation was about at dinner, aside from a few side conversations about Dash, Violet, and Jack-Jack. Y/N wasn't their real father, but Mr. Incredible had unfortunately died in a train accident. When Helen finally moved on and got together with Y/N, he swore to be the best father he could possibly be and treated the kids as if they were his own. And Helen couldn't have been happier with him.

Y/N and Helen had just finished up dessert when suddenly, Y/N's super sense that alerted him of nearby danger blared in his mind. He furrowed his brows and reached his hands up to rub his temples.

"Y/N? What's wrong?" Helen asked.

"Danger, Helen. Across the street," he murmured.

"Across the street?" Helen glanced out the window. "But that's the bank..." A sly smirk crept onto her face.

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