CH. 3: Out Of Bounds

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As foretold, 5555 and 5556 speed through the depot, narrowly missing some cars that could've hit, and then, both trains now leave Ame Valley city.

"And just like that 5555 and 5556 have left Ame Valley and is now into the rails leading to an town to pass through." The news reporter says.

"Lynch! 5555 and 5556 are out! Get Vector Research immediately!" Frank yells.

A few seconds later, Vector gets the call from Lynch.

*Phone rings*

"Hello?" Vector asks.

"This is Lynch from AVRA&M, 5555 and 5556 have left Ame Valley, we need you to send the VRD onto them."

"Damnit, tell me they are at least not heading in to some populated areas in the time right?"

"It seems like it's gonna pass through a town, so it would be fine for a while before it proceeds to a more populated area."

"Any estimated time considering 80 MPH?"

"Affirmative, once it passes through the town, into a tunnel and on either side, track number 1 will take 2 hours before strike while track number 2 will take 1 and a half before strike."

"Understood, I'm sending in the VRD."

The call ends and Vector uses the signal.


Silence, just silence until..


"Come on team! Get your gear and let's head out!"

The VRD or Vector Research Defense is basically the military to Vector Research, although mostly used for Defense when it comes to facilities, blacksites or others, for assault, that's where the Sentinel comes in. [PS: on an unrelated note, the VRD IS a thing when it comes to TFTF, anyways back to Hauler woo-]

In this case, they are tasked to deal with a runaway train, using everything in its path to stop it from disaster.

"Come on dude, what are you waiting for? Get your ass moving!"

The team assembled, gets their gear and drive out to the runaway train.

Back on Ferroville depot, one of the AVRA&M officials drive, where the security is.


"AVRA&M official."

"But I need info-"

*Showing identification*

"Damn, go ahead."

The gates open and the official comes through, then the car is parked and the official starts walking to the building.

The door opens and the yard master sees him.

"Shit shit shit shit shit- it's the official!" The yard master says in a panic.

"What are we going to do!?" A worker says, also in panic.

"Just stay cool and don't panic." Rodney says.

The official comes through and looks at the workers.

"So, you guys are aware that you have caused a runaway train?"

"Well yes but-"

"Who in the hell did this?"

Everyone points at Rodney for this.

"What's your name?"

"Rodney Wales, why?"

"I need to speak to you for a moment."

The official gets Rodney out of the building and basically talks to him.

"Listen buddy, I don't wanna be angry at you but.. what the fuck were you thinking about in this yard!?"

"Look, the switch was misaligned and the yard master didn't switch due to it being repaired, not long after Tropical Storm Shadow happened."

"If that's the case, then why did the train become unmanned?"

"Because of the misalignment, I got out of the train-"

"You FUCKING what!?"

"Listen dumbass, I applied the brakes high with the throttle low so that it can keep moving while avoiding contact with the switch before it can derail."

"Then how the hell would the train suddenly move fast?"

"Maybe because the fact either the pressure failed or that the levers went down.."

"So that certainly explains it.."

"Now are you gonna give me some medics? Seriously I'm bleeding."

"Shit I didn't even notice it, sorry."

"It's fine."

Back into the rails again, 5555 and 5556 are speeding through areas like crazy, then on an railroad crossing, a little girl waits there to go to school until..

*5555 and 5556 pass fast with the VRD chasing afterwards along with the helicopters.*

"Come on speed up! They don't pay us enough for this shit!"

"Calm the fuck down! I am trying to speed up!"

Eventually, after a pure hell of a minute, they catch up to the train.

"Motherfucker.. all of this for an unmanned train.."

The VRD speed up ahead to the far town.

"The VRD have just reached the train and are now speeding ahead into the town, namely the Town of Mason, wonder if they will be able to stop it in the town.."

"Frank what's the status?" Ryan asks.

"VRD units have sped past through, seems like they are heading to Mason to try and stop it from there."

"You'll think they will be able to stop it?"

"Not that I can confirm nor deny for a train going at 80 MPH with hazardous materials."

"Hey, 50 bucks if it derails and doesn't cause disaster."

"Alright, bet."

Back into the train, 5555 and 5556 are still zooming through crazy.

A train heading to the opposite is warned of the oncoming runaway train.

The train, being 7235 pulls up to a siding, the train there in question has 7235, 7888, 234 and 569, 3 HPT85E's, 1 EP8S, carrying 50 intermodal well cars.

5555 and 5556 zoom past through the siding, making the conductor and engineer confused and amazed by 5555 and 5556.

"Dude that locomotive is really powering good for such 2."

"Despite it being unmanned, don't you think that's gonna be an issue?"

"If Vector Research can do it, then surely we can all do it, right?..."

Eventually 5555 and 5556 pass through, then the intermodal train keeps resuming to Ferroville Depot.

Eventually, the VRD reach the outskirts of the town to begin with, the team start to prepare the weapons as they are going more into the town.

"Hey guys, get your asses up and the weapons up, don't wanna get that HG-12 to be failing on us."

And now, it's personal.

Thankfully, police in the town have been aware of the situation and decide to join in with the VRD.

But as things progress, things don't go exactly what they seem..

Hauler: A Runaway Train StoryWhere stories live. Discover now