CH. 2: Brakes To Runaway

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Rodney gets out and starts running to the switch, aware that the train is unmanned.

"Rodney what the hell are you doing!?" Yard master radios in.

"I'm switching the track, don't worry about the train." Rodney replies.

Back into the HPT85E's, the lead locomotive brakes had to just do something unfavorable..

*Brake lever and throttle lever start to go down, causing brakes to deactivate and engine to rev up more and move fast.*

Rodney switches the track, but not noticing that the HPT85E's is moving quickly than slow.

Eventually, when Rodney was going to get back on the train, he then noticed the train moving faster.

"Hey wait a minute- DID THE TRAIN STARTED TO GO FAST THAN SLOW!?" Rodney yells.

5555 and 5556 are moving faster and faster, Rodney grabs onto the handlebars, and tries to keep up the speed to enter the locomotive, but as expected, he fails and starts to be dragged onto the rocks, flat sided.

"OW- Shit- Deouch!" Rodney yells in pain, he would eventually let go of the handlebar.

"Rodney? Rodney!? Respond NOW!" Yard master yells in radio.

"5555 and 5556 are runaway now.." Rodney says, in pain and bleeding.

"Did you fucking set the throttle?" Yard master radios in.

"I applied- *Pain* the brakes, but just started to rev and speed.." Rodney says.

"Damnit- get inside the building, we're declaring this code orange." Yard master says.

The people within the yard master building radio in to emergencies and VR Rail about a runaway train, unmanned and speeding up.

Eventually, the entire train leaves the depot and starts to proceed northbound into the outskirts and eventually, out of bounds of Ame Valley.

Inside the building, everyone is panicking in chaos, not knowing what to do since this is the first time something like this has happened.

The higher class start to alert authorities of the runaway train along with the VRD.

Back into 5555 and 5556, the train keeps going faster and faster, crossing through like it's a high speed network.

Somewhere far away, there's the Vector Research HQ, large, comparable to city.

One of the executives bust through the doors to the CEO himself, Vector Huxley.

"Sir, we have reports of a runaway train heading out dangerously." One of the executives says.

"Give me information about this." Vector demands.

"Right.. it's.. *Looking through device* 5555 and 5556, both HPT85E's, carrying around 55 cars, 30 tank, rest for construction.." the executive says.

"They did declare it code orange, no?" Vector asks.

"They did sir."

"Damnit, have they reported authorities about this?" Vector asks.

"They have done it, do you want the VRD to also deal with this?" The executive says.

"If both 5555 and 5556 aren't dealt with before they disappear off of Ame Valley, then we can send them in." Vector replies.

"Right away."

Back into Ame Valley, Authorities get notice and start sending units out to the moving 5555 and 5556, although beating traffic first as it's still a morning to begin with.

*Crowd noise at a station*

Relatively, stations are busy than usual, although passengers witness 5555 and 5556 passing through in speed while authorities try to keep up the speed outside of the station.

*2 helicopters are flying and chasing down 5555 and 5556.*

Helicopters were also dispatched, one news, one authority.

*Sirens blaring*

"Come on, come on.." one of the Ame Valley authorities say while in a car with the driver.

"Don't tell me I have to go faster-" the driver says before cut off to the person saying "Go faster! I need to know the speed!"

And just as expected, the driver hits it.

*Car nyoooooom*

"Steady.. steady.." and then the beep confirms the speed.

"80 Miles Per Hour!" The person says. "Now you can slow down!"

The driver starts to slow down slowly, but quickly to avoid crashing into the oncoming traffic.

Back into the news helicopter, the live reporter checks in.

"We have a runaway train heading north out of Ame Valley, unattended and speeding through areas, we have reports of the train carrying around 55 cars, however we can't confirm it yet."

Back into the city and tracks, a person is recording a railroad crossing when..

*5555 and 5556 pass with the authorities and police chasing*

"What the hell!?"

Someone must've been confused while recording something disastrous.

Back into the headquarters again, the executives contact the Ame Valley Railroad Association & Management.

Eventually, AVRA&M pick up the contacts and have elites at the room station with all the things needed.

"All authority units, can you hear us?" One of the elites, named Lynch.

"We have contact, go ahead." One of the units say.

"We now have contact." Lynch informs to the elites.

"Good, let's get this started." Ryan says. "Frank, got radar coverage?"

"Activating radar coverage in 3... 2... 1... *Radar tracking and coverage is now active* Systems active!" Frank says.

Back into 5555 and 5556, A fleet of units are suddenly interrupted by oncoming traffic, blocking their way to continue chasing into 5555 and 5556.

Into the news helicopter, reports were now confirmed and new information has been added.

"The reports of carrying 55 cars including 30 hazardous ones are confirmed, the train is going 80 miles an hour and is passing through a multitude of areas with danger, the AVRA&M is now active to try and get 5555 and 5556 to stop."

Since the news is being broadcasted, everyone is starting to caught wind of this situation, even Vector Research and their facilities themselves.


"'With all of this happening, 5555 and-' Yo Mortem, you seeing this? '5556's destination is supposed to head for-' What's going on Renard? '-a new plant that makes Uranium, Plutonium, and Titanium, owned by the Atomic Association Institute, with-' This is some crazy shit going on, some trains that a dumbass left them unattended. '-the help of Vector Research of their highly skilled scientists.'

Back on Ame Valley, 5555 and 5556 are now going to pass through another depot, except this time, the depot is the marking point on where the rail line connects to the rest of the rails and out of bounds from Ame Valley.

From that point on, 5555 and 5556 are now about to be out of Ame Valley, and more disasters to come..

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