Chapter Two

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Chapter: 🦋Weddings and Wars🦋

Part Two


"It's a long story, don't ask. Everything was fine until his parents came in several spaceships. They wanted him back and when we refused, his mother: Queen Rhea blamed me. Said that I was responsible for corrupting her son. She waged an all out war against me. I challenged her to trial by combat and I won hoping she would keep her word. Instead, the rest of the Daxamites started invading. My best friend, Lena, and I designed a failsafe. She created a lead bomb to release lead in the atmosphere, Daxamites are allergic to it. It was enough that would hurt them, but not enough to poison humans. Rhea choked in front of my eyes and she died. I managed to get Mon- El to my pod as the rest of the Daxamites were retreating. He's gone and I don't know if he's alive."

Oliver listened to her intently, noticing the sad look in her eyes.
Kara was a good person and he knew that. She didn't deserve what happened to her. He also found it surprising that someone who suffered through so much loss was able to keep going and seemed so cheerful. Then something else caught his attention, she dated a Prince? Nice.

"Totally don't heart the jealousy" Thea teased as Alex chuckled.

"Oh yeah I heard about the invasion on the news," Oliver spoke remembering the news about strange events in National City.

"Lena is the CEO of L-Corp isn't she?" he asked.

"Yup," Kara responded, "your biggest competitor too apparently."

He chuckled at her smirk, "yeah."

Oliver nodded, "I'm sorry. I thought our relationships were complicated, but yours is another level."

Kara smiled slightly.

Oliver felt the need to comfort the blonde and he wasn't lying.
Kara was a wonderful woman.
She was strong and very compassionate. She stood for everything positive and was a lot of things he was not. She was attractive, not that it mattered. He also wasn't blind, it was simply a fact.

Kara blushed, Oliver just smirked to himself and their sisters just smirked and looked at each other smiling as if they had something planned.

"Thanks Oliver. I appreciate it," she smiled genuinely this time. Her full blown wide smile.

"No problem," Oliver smiled back, feeling something different.

"What about you and Felicity?" she asked curiously.

Both Oliver and Felicity winced at that.

"Oh," Oliver looked down, "we broke up recently."

"Oh Rao," she squeaked, "I'm so Sorry I-"

"It's no problem," Oliver waved her off and it really wasn't.

"Can I ask what happened?" she questioned cautiously.

Oliver sighed, "we uh- had some issues. We were tracking this guy called Prometheus. I found out that his real name was Adrian Chase and he was the former DA who tricked me. I killed his father during my early vigilante days and he was hell-bent on revenge. I was stranded on the island of Lian Yu for five years after my family yacht crashed years ago. My father sacrificed himself so I could live. I came back with vengeance and a mission to right my family's wrongs. Prometheus went too far and even tracked down my old teacher, Talia al Ghul, to train him. I killed her father too. He teamed up with some of my enemies and kidnapped my entire team. I got some help, but it wasn't enough. As I got there he uncovered a secret Lazarus Pit that no one knew about. A Lazarus Pit is a natural phenomenon that possesses restorative properties that can instantly heal injuries and even grant immortality. Talia's sister Nyssa who is my ex-wife sort of destroyed all of them, but apparently never knew about one. Adrian was also power hungry and wanted the immortality without the negative effects that the Pit gave. He figured out that if we both entered the Pit at the same time, destroyed all of them, but apparently never knew about one. Adrian was also power hungry and wanted the immortality without the negative effects that the Pit gave. He figured out that if we both entered the Pit at the same time, one of us would get the immortality while the other would get the negative effects of it. We forcefully both entered the pit and I thought I was going to die, but in the end, I survived and Adrian died in the Pit."

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