Meeting Ajx

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National City - CatCo

Kara was finishing her work at CatCo, she was walking past her boss Cat Grant's office when she noticed her boss disappear into thin air.

As usual she ready to jump into Supergirl mode, but to only find herself vanishing slowly.


Star City - Arrow Bunker

Oliver stepped off the elevator of the arrow bunker to find it empty, he found this worryingly fast since he had gotten a text from Felicity telling him to meet her and the team at the bunker since she had found something on a drug dealer they were tracking.

He looked down at his hand to find it half gone, then his body was fully gone, leaving the arrow bunker fully empty.


Central City - Jitters

Barry and Caitlin were on a date, they were laughing and smiling and Barry kept kissing her hand the one he hand just put a ring on then both of them just disappeared going unnoticed by anyone in the coffee shop.


Unknown City - Reactions room

Kara appeared out of nowhere to find her team standing there on guard, Alex, J'onn, Winn, Mon-El, Maggie, and her boss Cat.

She also saw: Cisco, Felicity, John, Lyla, Thea, Sara. And some unknown faces.

Suddenly Oliver, Barry, and Caitlin appeared just as she did. Oliver saw his team rushing over to them.

"You guys okay!?" He asked looking at his sister then the rest of his team.

"Kara?" Barry said her name causing Oliver to look back. "Hey guys!" She hugged Barry then Oliver.

Their hug was longer than Barry and hers was, this made Mon-El feel uncomfortable and jealous, he cleared his throat causing them to pull apart.

"Kara, babe" Mon-El said stepped towards her "Who is this?" His eyes scanned Oliver up and down.

Kara opened her mouth to talk but Oliver shut her off and answered for her, "I'm Oliver Queen" he held out his hand and Mon-El shook it "and you are?"

"Mon-El, Kara's boyfriend" his grip on Oliver's hand tightened but it didn't bother her that much.

Kara were between her boyfriend and friend.

"Kid" An Australian voice came from behind them everyone from team arrow glared at the guy but he continued "Who are these people? And where are we?" He asked.

Before anyone could say anything four more people appeared, it was Kara's cousin and his friends: Clark, Lois, Bruce, Diana.

They all introduced themselves (TOO LAZY to do all that). Soon they all began to wonder the same question.

"Will you please be quiet!?" A voice came over the speaker "I can hear your thoughts one room away!"

The heros and non-heros soon realized that the person talking was the one who trapped them. "Who are you!?" Oliver shouted.

"I am Ajax, and yes I am the one who brought you all here"

"Why?" Asked Slade. "Because, You all will be reacting to your favorite Kryptonian and Green Archer, Oliver and Kara" Ajax answered.

"Why Oliver and Kara?" Mon-El asked.

"Because their in love...and needs a push"

Everyone was shocked by this and Mon-El's jealousy grew more. Kara began to speak but it came out as a stutter "Me an-and Oliver?"

"Mhm...Now why don't you all have a seat so we came began?"

Before anyone could object that were all in seats.


Starters, no Ajax is not me she is just a little OC I made up.

Two, what do you think so far?


Let the games began :)

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