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There is swearing and mention of scabs.

12 days. It's been 12 days. I have been stuck here for 12 days.

It was early morning. The last few days Anne has been learning the ropes. She also was memorizing the castle's layout. She found it weird that they would let someone who had attempted escape, roam and take notice of every exit point. But how could she forget? If Sasha and Marcy weren't with her, another guard was. Anne felt uneasy with always having someone breathing down her neck, but alas, there is nothing she can do.

She is still planning on escaping, but she needs the heat to die down and to think of a flawless plan. Maybe she should befriend the king?

She still felt on edge, she is a captive after all. She did her best not to think about home.

She feels kind of... attached? To Sasha and Marcy. Its weird, these people caused her so much grief, yet, she feels safe with them. She couldn't explain it. Maybe Sasha only took her because of direct orders from the king? She was kinda robbing a shop after all. Marcy never seemed rude, and Sasha hasn't been rude to her in awhile.

It was nice.

She still wanted to go home though.

Currently she was with a castles worker named Bella. She was telling her to clean one of the castles many rooms. Anne was annoyed that she had to leave the safety of Marcy's room, but this was still better then sitting in a cell.


While Anne was off doing servant stuff, Sasha was spooning Marcy on their bed. They savored every moment they had like this. Not having to worry about responsibilities, no work to be done. Just relaxing in each others presence. Marcy embraced the warmth that Sasha offered her.

They hadn't had much time with each other lately. The last few nights that Anne has been with them, they kinda kept their lovey dovey emotions to themselves to not upset the girl.

If Anne told on them, they would face vile consequences. Gay relationships are unacceptable. Especially for a royal member. When Marcy becomes queen she'll make sure to change that. But till then they have to wait.

But for now she can focus on the girl holding her.

Sasha held Marcy in the most comforting way she could. The last week has been stressful for the little princess. She also just missed laying in bed with her. They agreed not to while Anne was there. But that didn't mean they couldn't while she was gone!

But as Sasha held Marcy her mind wandered. Anne has been here for a while. She didn't seem at all like most of their other prisoners. Sasha had been studying Anne. She took notice that she was still skeptical of them. She wasn't a big fan of letting them touch her, but Sasha could tell the girl Longed for it.

Anne always acted gentle on less she was upset. She still hasn't gotten a hang of proper castle manners. She kept "saluting" instead of bowing.

She also seemed unsure about taking more food. They had supplied her with a dish of crackers and meat when they heard her stomach growl. She had only ate part of it before passing it back to them. They could both tell she was still hungry and had to explain they had plenty and they could get more.

Sasha couldn't figure out why the girl seemed so hesitant.

She's a thief. Wouldn't she take more then she needs? It didn't quite settle right with Sasha.

It's not like she hasn't caught her staring at expensive items displayed in the hallways. The girl definitely looked like she was checking how much money it was worth.

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