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It was the day after Anne was caught escaping. Marcy and Sasha were wide awake in their room. Marcy was brushing her hair while deep in thought. Sasha was pacing back and forth. The previous day after Anne's little stunt, the two of them had to return the meeting room with the king. Other guards were there as well. The king was not at all pleased. He presented his decision. They would force the information out of Anne. Any means necessary. He had sent a few guard, including general Yunan, down to 'speak' with Anne. Sasha new all too well they were going to harm her.

She had attempted to go down with them but Andrias ordered her to stay with Marcy who was not aloud anywhere near Anne.

Neither of them had the chance to check on Anne that day. And they most likely wouldn't be able to today. The dungeon was guaranteed to be more guarded now. How were they going to speak with Anne? Sasha new she wouldn't be able to reason with the king and Marcy was to afraid to. It was to risky to attempt a stealth mission. It wouldn't take long at all for someone to notice.

All they could do was hope the heat would cool down soon.

It had been a week since the day. Sasha and Marcy were getting extremely anxious. They kept seeing guards go down to the dungeon and it was always guarded. They haven't been able to see Anne at all. Besides the meeting discussing different forms of torture to conflict on her they haven't heard anything from her.

Today they got lucky tho. There was a meeting where most guards were told to go to. Marcy was not needed at this meeting which also ment that Sasha wasn't either. The two of them walked the halls of the castle to the dungeon.

Guarding the entrance to the dungeon were two guards. "Excuse me sir. We have orders to be in the dungeon." Sasha stated to the guards. "Yes ma'am." The guards said and stepped to the side. They didn't question it as Sasha was with Marcy and was higher up in general.

They walked down the steps. Once they entered they immediately looked over to Anne's cell. It was guarded by a singular guard. Before the last few weeks the dungeon was barley guarded. But after Anne's escape they didn't know how she got out or that she wasn't in the cell to began with.

The two of them tried to get a look at Anne but she was curled up in a ball in the corner.

"Princess, you are not supposed to be down here." The guard said. "We have been presented with the opportunity to question the girl. We ask of you to please give us some privacy." Sasha stated calmly but with a bit fierce. The guard, while suspicious new he couldn't disobey the princess or her guard, simply bowed and left.

Marcy sighed in relief. Sasha went to grab her keys out of her pocket as Marcy went to look through the bars of the cell. In the cell Anne had heard their voices. At first she was relieved but that soon went away as she remembered it had been a whole week since they came down to see her. She was scared they were going to hurt her like everyone else was doing. Once she heard the dangle of Sasha's keys she tensed. She didn't dare look up. But as the two of them entered her cell she couldn't stop from trembling.

"Anne?" Marcy called out softly. "It us, Marcy and Sasha." Sasha added gently. The two of them got closer to her. Anne peeked up just in time to see Marcy reaching a had out to rest on her shoulder. She panicked and instinctively slapped her hand away and pushed Herself in to the corner as much she could.

The two were surprised at the quick action, Anne has never acts this way before towards them. Anne looked at them in panic and uncertainty. It was only then that they noticed all the bruises and scratches on Anne's face. Sasha was used to seeing stuff like this and had assumed this would happen. But it didn't help keep her from feeling so hurt seeing Anne like this. Why did she feel this way though? She would figure that out later. Anne looked liked a kicked puppy. Marcy on the other hand was horrified. Who did this to her Anne?!

Anne took there looks as if they were looking at her like a monster. Of course they fought of her as that. Maybe the shower was just to try and hide all the ugliness. She felt her eyes start to tear up but she wasn't going to allow her self to cry in front of these ...people. They didn't even come see her for a week. She looked over Sasha to see if she was armed. She couldn't see through all the armor.

"Oh Anne," Sasha said sympathetically. She kneeled down slowly as too not spook the girl. Anne didn't deserve this. She didn't do anything wrong! Well technically speaking, she did rob a bunch of people..., but that wasn't worth being hurt this much! And this punishment wasn't even meant for that but for trying to get her to expose her camps hideaway?! Sasha couldn't see herself giving away info like that. But being hurt constantly must be horrible. who knows what Anne's camp would do to her if they found out she sold them out? Sasha herself would be furious.

Marcy seeing Sasha get down gently, couldn't help herself but rush forward. She tried to grab Anne's faces but Anne flung her head back and tried to scoot farther back forgetting she was already cornered. She hit head on wall and grunted in pain. "Fuck, are you ok?" Sasha said quickly, then giving Marcy a look telling her to keep her hands to herself. Marcy quickly obliged.

"Why do you care? You're here to beat me up anyways." Anne stared at them in a way they couldn't quite make out. It seemed like, hurt, maybe some fear, but also betrayal. "No. We are not here to hurt you." Sasha said. "We are actually here to check up on you." Anne raised an eyebrow.

"We've been trying to get down here all week with no avail. I'm just glad that your.... Somewhat ok.." Marcy glanced at Anne up and down. She didn't appear to have any major injuries, but she had a lot of cuts and bruises. Anne blushed at having them both looking over her body.

Anne was starting to relax now that she realized they weren't going to hurt her. She still didn't want them to touch her at all though yet.

"Sash, do you think there's any convincing my father to let us bring her back up to the room?" "I doubt he would be ok with that." Sasha responded. Marcy sat in thought for a while before thinking of a great idea. "We need to go talk to father!" Marcy said urgently. "What? Why?" Sasha said confused. "Just c'mon!" With that Marcy dragged sasha up the stair leaving Anne alone again.

Her guard immediately went back up. Any sound made her tense. It wasn't long before the guard that had been watching her came back down to keep an eye on her.


"Marce I don't know if this is a good idea." "Oh c'mon sashyyy! It's the perfect painless punishment for her." "I guess. But it really humiliating isn't it?" "Well yea maybe but it beats being beat up!" The two of them were on the way to the throne room. Marcy had just filled Sasha in on her plan.

They soon arrived into the room and requested Andrias's attention. She explained what she came up with and how it would benefit. Sasha stood beside her with a straight face.

"I don't know kiddo. We wouldn't likely get answers from her in the way your suggesting." "I understand that father but she hasn't spoken yet. Who's to say she ever will? At least with this we can get some use out of her."

The king pondered on this a minute. Thinking about how this could benefit. "*sigh*, I suppose I shall grant you your wish, under one condition. She does not leave your guards eye. She shall stay with you at all times just like your guard." Sasha was surprised by his answer. "Oh thank you father!"

The three of them discussed more things and then the two left.

"I still don't know marce. What if Anne is not okay with it?" Marcy shrugged. "It will all be okay." She got on her tippy toes and kissed Sasha in the nose. Sasha blushed and fail to respond. They head back down o the dungeon.


Hope you like it.

It shouldn't be to long before I post next chapter. Maybe a week or two. Depends how high my motivation levels are.


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