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Everyone was busy in camp. Doing chores, training, watching for anything suspicious. Hop pop, along with the other head elders, are awaiting for Anne and Loggles return. It should be another half an hour or so now.

Days were usually like this. With the occasional small team going out on missions. Everyone at camp relaxes without a worry, or as much as you can as wanted thieves.

The camp soon became aware of the sound of clattering horse hooves it the distance. People set down there items and lifted their heads. Several people went to greet Anne and loggle.

When hop pop became aware of the noise he stopped in his tracks. Anne was back already? She was getting pretty good at this. He made his way to front with the others. He could see now that it was indeed Bessie. But he couldn't tell if Anne was on her. He could see loggle on the reins. That weird. Why would Anne let Loggle steer?

Loggle and Bessie skidded to a halt at the entrance. They both looked frantic. Bessie kept stomping her hooves and shaking her head. Loggle had a panic look in his eye. "Where's hopediah! Anne got captured!" "Say wahHHHH!?" Hopediah screeched, making his way in front of everyone. "What happened?!"

"Everything was going fine, and going to plan, but then these two guards game out of nowhere and got the best of her!" Everyone in camp was now whispering back and forth to each other. Everyone knew Anne, she was head commander after all. Anne also had a way of getting people to like her. She has a big heart.

"Do you know where she is?" Hop pop asked desperately. "I DOoooooooo-n't I don't." "Gosh dang it loggle!"

"I do have an idea though! They most likely took her to the kingdoms dungeon in the castle." Everyone in the crowd gasped. Everyone knew that you don't go back for someone. Especially if they are in the heart of the kingdom. Hop pops face grew pale. He loved Anne with all his heart. Even if she was adopted. And she was of Great value to the gang. But how could he risk anyone's safety on a mission like that.

Two younger children squeezed their way through the crowd. "What's everyone doing? Oh hey loggle! Where's Anne?" Polly chirped. Sprig was looking around to see if Anne went somewhere already. Everyone grimaced at having to tell Anne's step sibling that she was gone.

When they heard the news they exploded. "WHAT!? We have to go for her!!" Sprig yelled as she started clambering onto Bessie who was still agitated.

"Boy you get down from there!" An older lady named Mrs Croaker scolded. "You know it's a lost cause." A younger adult with one eye stated. "It's the rules of the streets! We can't go back for her!" A middle aged man called out.

Sprig and Polly were quick to fight back. "She's family!" "She's our strongest commander!" But there was nothing they could do. Hop pop felt too sick to say anything. As a grandpa, How could he just leave Anne behind? But as a leader, how can he break the rules?

Soon an older more gruff man spoke out. "What if she breaks and gives our location? Should we not move camp?" Grime had never really been one for Anne.

Hop pop thought about the possible outcomes. They could plan a rescue mission, but that would likely end up in defeat, and would go against their morals. Anne might break and give them away. Anne is strong, but they should move camp just in case. But then what if she escapes on her own and can't find us? His mind spiraled with ideas like this and how Anne must feel right now.

"Elder meeting! Elder meeting!" An old guy called out. It singled to all of the older adults to meet in the big tent. They were the wises supposedly of them all. They gathered together in the tent.

Within the tent it was very crowded with hop pop, Grime, Mrs croaker, Beatrix, and loggle, and a few others. They were known as the "leaders of the camp." Well, except loggle. He was only there because he was with Anne when she was captured. The other people were Toadie, and Stumpy. These two were the remaining "commanders" in camp. They usually lead missions. Anne of course was the "head commander" and went on the most. The other two were just back up.

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