Run away

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Tw: swearing
It was morning. Anne opened her eyes and looked around. She was in the princesses room she rememberd after she was done glancing around. She quickly realized that she was in the same bed with the princes and her perusal guard/girlfriend? Marcy had her arm around Anne and her head close to Anne's neck. Sasha was in a similar position on her other side.

Anne blushed. She was cuddling with two pretty girls. Wait no she couldn't think that about them they were her enemy. Even if they are being quite nice to her for some reason. It could be a trick to get her to expose her camps location.

She attempted to wiggle her way out of their grasp. Sasha moved her arm off Anne. Anne sighed in relief. She tried to get away from Marcy only for her to hold on tighter and snuggle her head into Anne's neck.

Anne's breath hitched. She looked at marcy. The girl looked so peaceful. Anne wanted to get up and look for away out of here but at the same time she didn't. She sighed and laid there for awhile. Eventually she had drifted back to sleep in the warmth of the two girls.


Eventually marcy eyes began to flutter open. She felt the warmth of another person and realized she was cuddling with someone. Her first thought was obviously that it was Sasha, but once her vision cleared she could see it wasn't. It was Anne. She flinched back letting go of Anne and backing away. She backed away to much though and fell off the bed. She hit the ground with a thud and let out a yelp. This caused both Anne and Sasha to wake wide up. Sasha immediately asked if she was okay and asked what happened. Marcy groaned and blushed in embarrassment. "I'm fine, I just rolled of the bed it's not that big of a deal thank you."

Anne and Sasha didn't look to sure but didn't bother her about it anymore. Sasha got out of the bed and walked over to Marcy lending out a hand to help her up. Marcy took it and pulled herself up. "I'm going to go get changed." Marcy muttered and walked towards the bathroom after grabbing some cloth she picked out yesterday.

Sasha sighed. "That girls gonna get her self killed one day." Sasha said. "What do you mean by that?" Sasha flinched. She had forgotten that Anne was in the room. " oh um... she just really clumsy is all." She said awkwardly. "Oh ok"

"Shit marcy! What the heck was that!? You can't just snuggle up to any random girl! None the less a thief. Especially when your already in a relationship!" Marcy thought with herself in the bathroom.

I mean yes she is the future queen so she can do whatever she wants, but this isn't what she wants!

Marcy came out of the bathroom wearing a sage green dress that went aways down her knees. "I've got to be in the meeting room in a little bit so I better get going. I believe my father wants you to come along also." Marcy said gesturing to Sasha. "What about her?" Sasha said gesturing to Anne. "We can't leave her here unattended." "Well it's to risky to bring her back down to the dungeon right now. Many of the guard are out on duty by now." Marcy stated. Sasha sighed, she would tie her up but she didn't have any ropes on hand right now. She looked over to Anne. "We've got to go and we're leaving you here, but try any thing funny and you won't be as lucky as yesterday." Sasha said sternly looking at Anne dead in the eye. "Um yes ma'am" Anne said and saluted.

"What are you doing?" Sasha asked, confused by the gesture. "I'm saluting. Don't you know what that is?" She asked confused on how they didn't know the basic gesture. "No we don't do that around here." "Oh. Well it's what we do to respect our head chiefs or bosses in our camp." Anne stated simply. "Oh so you see me as authority." Sasha smirked. "Eh"

"Well it sounds to me like bowing. So do that from now on instead ok?" Marcy said. She had been standing off to the side listening to them bicker. "Would one of you please explain what bowing is? It's not something I'm familiar with." Sasha suddenly felt bad about how she had treated Anne when she had told her to bow. Anne grew up on the streets with criminals. Of course she doesn't know how to bow. She had pushed Anne to the ground for somthing that wasn't even her fault.

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