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"ANNE What is going on!?" Marcy yelled. Anne looked between her and Sasha, then to the crowd of soldiers that surround her. She new her chances of getting out of this were low. she lowered her sword.

The guards were quick to tie up her wrist and start escorting her to the dungeon. She kept her head down to keep her from making eye contact with the two girls.

As she was brought down the stairs she thought about escaping. There were less guard with her now but most of them were waiting out there.

One of the guards unlocked the cell while another pulls it open. The guard that was leading her took a step away as to soldiers pushed her in.

Anne stumbled when entering the cell and almost fell over but gained her balance.

The door slammed shut behind her and she heard the sound of the door being locked.

A few guards began to march out while a couple stayed behind to keep guard.

Anne sighed and walked to put her back to the wall and slide down. She pulled her knees up to her chest and folded her arms and put her head on top.

She began to think about what her life use to be like. The good and the bad. She thought about the time she spent on the streets, the time she spent with her current crew. She began to think about the last few days. The last time she saw her crew, being arrested, and.... Meeting with princess Marcy and her guard Sasha. The two of them had been nice to her. Why?

Marcy just seemed to be very friendly. Maybe it was all a trick? But it seems genuine. Sasha, she still didn't seem to fond of Anne but it seemed like she was warming up to her? She didn't seem all that bad.

Speaking of Anne and Sasha, the two of them came clambering down the stairs.

Anne wanted to just crawl into a ball and be swallowed up by the floor.

"ANNE!? Do you know what problems you just caused?! What we you thinking?!" Marcy yelled. It wasn't to loud but it was definitely loud for someone like her.

Anne kept her head in her lap and didn't answer.

"You just put both our lives and yours on the line!" Sasha added.

Anne hesitated. Was she concerned about how she put her own life on the line?

She slowly lifted her head as the two of them awaited her answer.

Anne let out a sigh "it's not like you guys would understand" they have never been took captive, taken away from their friends and family. They don't understand how it feels.

There was a thick silence after that.

Marcy and Sasha Both tried to put themselves in Anne's shoes. Being held prisoner and away from people you care about.

In Marcy case she would be away from her kingdom. Away from her father. Away from Sasha. She started to think about how Anne must feel right now.

Sasha on the other didn't really have anyone else besides Marcy. She didn't have much care for this kingdom. She was only here for Marcy. She thought about what it would have been like to lose Marcy.

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