Chapter 14

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David couldn't control his happiness even tho he tried to keep a straight face during the meeting. Inside his mind, he was almost worried thinking about the ' Ifs'.

Clinton noticed this and couldn't help but ask him what's wrong as usual he dismissed the question what another one.

"I believe this meeting should come to an end?" Finally he said making the others questioning him in their mind but no one could say anything.
He was the Boss and he made thr rules as well as break them too.

Nobody could read him and the only person that understands and knows him was busy smirking.

"Yeah I guess so" Clinton said, immediately David left the room with his bodyguards. This act left the rest of people in the room confused because he always stays while the they leave now the clock have changed .

Wonders shall never end...Clinton thought in his mind but afraid to voice it out.

While in the room full of unknown people to him. Kelvin was trying to fit in while his friends already made new friends with glasses of wine on their hand while getting to know each other.

Kelvin was 25% of an extrovert and he fits perfectly fine with his extroverted friends but this party had about 70-80 unknown people with masks on, not to talk about the guys on black suits with one glance you'll know that they're bodyguards that means the man who threw the party was super rich for him to have so many bodyguards.

With his Gray Emporio Armani's suit that was styled with a light pink shirt made him stand out from the crowd and he didn't mind one bit. The confidence that soonzed out from him made his friends question him but he dismissed them, before they left him at the bar promising to return after 30mins.

Looking at his Rolex watch that came with the suit . Then did he know that he's been by himself for 45mins.

Deciding not to call them he dropped text in their GC that he's no longer at the bar, he left there immediately he felt like someone was looking at him.

Taking the steps that was supposed to lead him to the restroom as said by the bartender. Opening the first door what he saw made him vomit.

Who could believe that your girlfriend of years was not only naked but having sexual intercourse with an unknown man.

Immediately he called her they  stopped their movement, Rita turned around without thinking that Kelvin was there at the party.
Asking the guy that came in to hurry up because the dick that was in her wasn't touching the right places and she needs two dicks I'm her immediately.
Kelvin was left speechless, he couldn't believe it that Joy was a Slut or could take two dicks at once, because she alway says that it was painful or wasn't feeling it but the Rita that he was seeing wasn't the Rita he knew.

Immediately he removed the mask Rita couldn't believe it.

"W-wait I can explain it's not what it looks like I promise. They forced me to do and he..."

"Shut the fuck up will you? You're saying that I didn't understand what happened or you'll give me another lie right now? Even tho you're naked ?" Kelvin stopped her lies before she could finish them

"My work here is done, I'll let you two settle your problem but remember this... This lady here is our Slut"  the made Kelvin understand that she's been seeing them for awhile now so he shouldn't believe her then he picked up his cloths and left the room naked.

"Do you still wanna lie or tell me when this started? Haven't I tried for you, I gave you the time you need. I settled your tuition fee before mine, I bought clothes for you, put your needs before mine so tell me where I was wrong ?" Kelvin asked her but she kept quiet before voicing her mind.

"You know you did all those for me but I don't love you. I can't love you because I don't believe in love! Why stay with one person when there are thousands of dicks out there. Besides you can't really satisfy me why waste my time on you?"
Kelvin couldn't believe what he heard, the same that cries anytime theh had sex is saying he can't satisfy her?

"Wonderful, then I believe we're done right? Continue what you were doing don't stop because of me. Am sure the other person will enter sooner than later. Good Bye" he left the room before She could see he's tears.. there's no need to cry for her because she knows too well what she was doing.
Taking 2 steps instead of one, he ran into what he thought was a wall but jokes on him because he ran into David.




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