Chapter 13

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Seriously everybody is behaving anyhow, after Ryan came back two nights ago he's been on his phone and Brown is yet to come back while Issac is the most creepy almost all. Kelvin is keeping his relationship with his girlfriend smooth and sweet despite his thoughts.

Summer break is getting closer and they boys haven't said anything on how to speed it, maybe if Brown comes back then he'll see to it.

Kelvin goes out to get them pizza because he couldn't cook and Brown isn't there to cook, so he took it upon himself to buy the pizza. Who doesn't like pizza? Nobody.
Coming back he notices a black Benz following him. He walks fast, the Benz drive fast too and he slows the walk same will the Benz too.
He doesn't need a second thought to know that he's been followed, cornering the alley to their house, he ran as fast as he could without looking back and his heart beating fast while his running, who knows who they're? There wasn't much kidnapping of people in the daytime only evening and cool/ silent places, and for that black Benz to be following him daytime? He needs to run for his dear life.

"Kelvin! Kelvin! Wait up you fucking fool" Brown shouted at him while he was busy running, that made him to stop and turned around to see Brown in the same black Benz?! Did they kidnapped him and now they want him too. No! He needs to run faster.

"Wait up! Stupid idiot! Why the hell are you running like that? Don't you hear or understand me? Okay go ahead and run, when I get back home you are getting it and better be ready!" That was the last straw for Brown, he sat back in his seat and pouted looking at the other side of the window, that made HIM laugh so hard and petted his head.

"Don't worry Princess, maybe he did not see you or maybe he thought you were getting kidnapped" HE said and petted his head drawing him closer to HIM so that Brown can rest his head on HIS chest.

"Hmm I'll take that, but am so beating the shit out of him when I get home, he can't just ignore me like that." Brown murmured still pouting while he rested his head on HIS chest.

Kelvin ran into the elevator and kept praying that the kidnappers didn't get to their house on time, so that they can run away, report to the police and they'll look for Brown while they will live in the church and recite prayers everyday.

It was the 'ding' sound of the elevator that pulled him out of his thoughts, he ran to their condo and shouted out what he saw.

"Brown has been kidnapped guys! We need to run to police station now and report this then we'll run to the church and live there till the case is settled. Come on guys let's start packing!" With that he ran to his room and started packing, Issac was still confused on what happened and Ryan was busy crying.

"What in the fucking hell is that! Isn't that Brown? Why is he kissing that's Man? He looks like HIM?" Issac said to the Ryan or more to himself. Ryan was jumping off the couch straight to the window to saw what Issac said so that he can believe it himself.

"Yes that his Daddy, I have only seen on his phone. Wait haven't you seen Brown's phone wallpaper? He's the one there." Ryan said giving Issac the seriously kinda look.

"Oh I don't know, and I haven't seen him either. He well built too, okay am done with this talk but Kelvin said that he was been kidnapped few minutes ago, are we save? " Issac asked Ryan and they turned their attention to the stair once they heard kelvin's steps. The said boy was fully packed.

"Uhm... Where are you going to?" Ryan had to ask because the way he packed was too much.

"Didn't I ask you guys to pack that we're running away? Brown was Fucking kidnapped and I ran away from them which is to say that they'll be here sooner than later. Come on guys we need to run now or they'll get here and cut out our organs they sell them to black market or whatever it's been called. Am giving you guys five minutes to pack!" Kelvin shouted out order because he was nervous or better word panicking about their safety.

"Uhm kelvin I think you're misunderstanding something here. Brown is with HIM and you thought he was been kidnapped, have you forgotten that he went there few days ago?" It was Issac that questioned kelvin this time around because Ryan went to open the door for Brown because he loves to be the first to get the full gist before others.

"Are you sure it's HIM? Because I didn't see HIM and I only saw Brown shouted. Well I didn't make out what he was saying because the car was right at my back and it wasn't going fast or packed. Any step I took, looks like the car did too. So? I got to run and when Brown shouted my name I lost it thinking he was kidnapped I feel so stupid now" immediately he explained to Issac, Brown and Ryan came in with HIM and I looked like everything stopped moving. The said man had this dominating air around him with his 6feet3 and blue like turquoise eyes and little beard hair on his fine sharp jawline with his hair swept off his face and gelled backwards with the smile that looked like a smirk dancing on his full pink lips. To Kelvin his was Very Handsome and looked like a model. With not knowing what to say or do the three kept quiet waiting for Brown to do the introduction.

Brown immediately remembered how he shouted at kelvin to wait and he ran away instead.
he was going to kill kelvin tonight but let them meet his Daddy first and then kelvin is dead and Issac will starving for not coming down to meet them. It will be very hot tonight
With that thought in mind he glared and Kelvin and Issac and give them the killer smile.

Okay am done for today 😁😌. I'll say this...... Wattpad is very wicked they kept telling me connection error while trying to update this after they made me write this chapter twice because I couldn't access the one I wrote without my wifi on.
I'm sorry 😐

Actually it's becoming very boring and I don't know what to do any longer.
So my girlfriend broke up with me 💔 last 2 weeks and 4 days ago 😔. A year relationship is over 😩.

Lemme not bring my sad life to this story 😔

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