Chapter 8

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" oh hey, we didn't know you were coming and thank Goodness you brought food too" Ryan smile opening the door wider to let Rita ( kelvin's GF) in.

" Please don't flatter me, you know I care about you guys too. So where is my Honey bear ?"
Rita replied smiling as well. Taking in the gesture, she entered walking straight to the kitchen.

"Well he's asleep, should I wake him up for you or will you deal with his lazy ass? " Ryan asked jogging towards the kitchen to have a taste before the others arrive.

"Oh my goodness, you're such a darling, remind me again why we aren't dating? " Rita asked Ryan low-key laughing at his thinking face

"Because you met kelvin before me? Or because am too hot for you to handle? Well I'll take the second one" Ryan answered laughing at his jokes

" Oh please, go wake kelvin up. You're always making me laugh even when I don't want to , such a sweetheart "

"Wait I'll go if you feed me first " Ryan protested while wiggling out of Rita's embrace

" What of no? Go ahead you food slut " Rita pushed Ryan upstairs. While serving the food her phone rang.

"Who is calling me by time ? WTF why is he calling me now and I can't take his call now. What should I do? Maybe I should use the restroom downstairs? Probably since nobody is awake that's what I'll do" she kept murmuring to herself and didn't hear when Brown greeted her and walked down the restroom.

After few seconds of watching her phone ring, she decided to dash into the restroom downstairs to take the unwanted call, running to the restroom she noticed kelvin and Ryan coming down.

Kelvin gave his brightest smile upon seeing her while spreading his arms waiting for his morning hug.
Rita hugged him and forced a smile.

"Morning Honey, where's my morning kiss?" Kelvin asked making Ryan pretending to gag .

" Walk away single ass" Kelvin laughed at Ryan while Rita smiled

" Don't worry yourself big man. I'll call Joy right now and she's gonna woop your ass " Ryan smirked walking away then turned and pecked Rita's cheek

" That's for the food sweet cheeks" Rita smiled at Ryan compliment forcing herself to be shy and kelvin glared dagger at Ryan . Oh did Ryan mind no.

"Leave my girlfriend alone Dude, go deal with your single ass life somewhere I can't find you " Ryan laughed walking away to give the two privacy.

Immediately Ryan left, kelvin was forcing his tongue down Rita's throat, teeth clashing and Rita moaned, kelvin greedily swallowed it. Hands wandering, Rita was Pulling kelvin's shirt then her phone rang again. They broke the kiss with saliva dripping down their cheeks, kelvin went ahead to lick it off Rita's cheek leaving a blushing Rita after his work.

" That was hot baby and I have missed you so much that it hurts baby." Kelvin said still dropping little kiss down his neck and having a moaning Rita in his hands

" Ahh, H-honey. Why don't you go and eat something and I'll take this call then we'll meet up in the room ? What do you say ? You know it's been awhile since we did it right?"  Rita tried to negotiate with a horny kelvin allowing him to massage her boobs, kelvin sucked a hickey before leaving her alone with his sexy smirk

" Alright baby, I'll go down and eat and I expect you to be in my bed ready for me because I won't hold back , you know why ?" Rita moaned and shake her head signaling no " that a good girl for me, the reason why I won't hold back is because am so pent up, I have alot to give you baby" Rita moaned loudly immediately hearing Ryan's laugh from the kitchen and Brown's shout " her alone you horny dog called kelvin" leaving her a blushing mess. Kelvin paid them no mind and continued to assault her neck till he was satisfied with his work then he allowed her to call back who called during their make out and went to the kitchen to eat with his signature smirk.

Rita rushed down to kelvin's room to call back "Master" walking up the stairs she dialed the number

"Hello Master, it's been awhile you called. What's the occasion? You finally remembered the forgotten one " she answered immediately " master " picked the call

"What should I say? You're such a good slut for me? And don't worry nobody will take your place, besides I didn't call you because of me this time around. I called because my boss wants someone to fuck senseless this weekend, we have a party going on and I want you and the girl you are bringing on Red gowns so that I can be able to identify you on time before you loose focus I know you're a sucker of money "  who doesn't love money Rita wondered but kept silent when "master" didn't say anything else , she picked it as her clue to ask questions

" Master you flatter me, well I don't know what your boss prefers or should I get anyone? She voiced her concern immediately

" Oh that's won't be a problem right Slut? Because you're too good in what your doing and I hope you don't fail me this time around and she must be pretty and sexy and knows what she's doing too that's final and send your account details immediately we're done here don't call me" 
With an eye roll Rita ended the call.

"Always bossy around me, well well he under someone too that's too wonder if I manage to seduce his boss with my moves then I'll be rich. Who'll I go with? None of my friends agree to go with me, maybe I should ask Joy that's right she has eyes for flashy things am sure she won't pass down this kind of opportunity. That's what I'll do lemme see him my account details before he biteoff my ear with his complain "


"Kelvin I forgot to take the assignment last night, I'll get it now and work on it this afternoon. Who's turn is it to do the dishes?" Brown ashed taking his plate and walking off the sink.

"Issac" the duo shouted making Brown jump and having a confused Issac wondering why they shouted his name

"Will you keep it down, you two little dickheads. You scared me" Issac shouted at the duo then have a laughing Brown walking upstairs to kelvin's room to get the assignment , upon walking to the room to open the door he heard it clear and sound when Rita called "Master ". Brown paused and wondered who she was talking to, because she doesn't call kelvin that and then he heard the husk voice and it was clear to him that she was on call not only that but a cheating girlfriend too. He wondered what Joy have to do with this conversation going on between the mysterious "Master" and Rita, and party they're going this weekend.
He needed to know but how will he know?

I am soooooooooooooooo sorry for not updating for awhile now and not replying to the comments too.

I have nothing to say about it then I AM A TREMBLE AUTHOR.

I'll be updating every week from now because I need something to lift my mind from depression.

I got a bad news too I lost my elder sister last week Wednesday 22/03 after three weeks of sickness😭

I don't want to spoil your guys mood with my sour one.

Enjoy ☺️

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