Chapter 2

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Kelvin Benjamin is from Erie County New York. His is the only child of the family, his Mom owns a coffee shop and his Dad's a accountant.

His life have been so good and full of loves and care from both parents, while the parents divorced few years ago.

They still take of care of him, visit his Dad on weekends while he stays with his Mom on weekdays.

Kelvin have been very scared about his sexuality if his parents are gonna hate him or the worst  disown him, but neither of than came when he came out of the closet. They loved him and showed more love (that's how family is supposed to be).

When he moved out to Ormskirk to study at Edge Hill University, his Mom cried ( yeah mom's boy). His days as a fresher wasn't be best or worst because he didn't know much but as faith may have it he came across Issac and Ryan on his way to the English class after three week of being alone ( OMG 😱 😢 yeah his lonely days are over). 

The trio had lunch together that day and made up on how they were admitted because Kelvin was the first and left early too while Issac was the last person (love you baby) .

Lunch was everything both the fun and the chat. They enjoyed their day and lunch was way too early to be over but they agreed to see each other more and opened a group chat.

The trio had an eventful weekend and on their way to the coffee shop they met Brown who immediately clicked with them because of his jovial personality.

Alright I think I have done justice to Kelvin and his friends right???? I have done more with the introduction and how they met Brown the last member of their group.

Guess the next chapter will be about David 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂. Gush am getting excited 😊😊😊😊😆 this story almostttttttttttttttttt.......... 💃💃💃💃💃💃💃I won't say it😁😁😁😁😁. Bribe me and I'll tell more you 💕😘😘😘.

Kitty Wants To Order (ON HIATUS)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ